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February LSAT Discussion Thread



  • jwrigh73jwrigh73 Alum Member
    43 karma

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    Don't think so

    Do you remember which section this was?

  • @hmette said:

    Did you have this order: LG, LR, LG, RC, LR

    Because that was mine and I'm in the same spot. Head is so cluttered I can't remember which game fell in which section, as they were so close together. If that was your order do you remember if the string quartet was in the 1st or 3rd LG section? Because the string quartet/loading bays section was apparently experimental.

    Really curious bc I totally bombed the first game section...

    I did

  • dp69002pdp69002p Free Trial Member
    edited February 2018 8 karma

    I had 3 logical reasoning. 2 25 and 1 26. My order was LR LG LR LR RC.

  • @jwrigh73 said:

    Do you remember which section this was?

    It wasn't on mine, so I will assume it's experimental. I only got 2 LR sections, that wasn't in any of mine

  • joanyou9382joanyou9382 Alum Member
    10 karma

    Can someone tell me which of the following LR is experimental? I had LR Lg Lr lr RC. The first LR had (ivy and building construction), maybe (foreshock and earthquake). Second had (blame malice moral wrong) , maybe (possum dietary). Third one i don’t remember for sure, it might have (deep ethical issues). Thanks a bunch!!

  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    edited February 2018 1028 karma

    @joanyou9382 First and third sound real to me. I had experimental RC, but definitely recognized the questions you mention from your first LR section.

  • jwrigh73jwrigh73 Alum Member
    43 karma

    I’m hoping the second LR section was experimental. I totally bombed that one for some reason.

  • SerenityFalconSerenityFalcon Alum Member
    edited February 2018 86 karma

    @joanyou9382 said:
    Can someone tell me which of the following LR is experimental? I had LR Lg Lr lr RC. The first LR had (ivy and building construction), maybe (foreshock and earthquake). Second had (blame malice moral wrong) , maybe (possum dietary). Third one i don’t remember for sure, it might have (deep ethical issues). Thanks a bunch!!

    I had only 2 LR sections. Ivy/construction and earthquake foreshocks are real. Deep ethical issues question is real.
    I don't recall any questions about possum diet nor blame malice.
    Check here for a concise list of real v. experimental questions:

  • Jennifer-4Jennifer-4 Member
    72 karma

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    The copyright one was between 2 'arguments' A&B

    Yes. I meant that was the only other 'one' I could remember. I couldn't remember the topics of the other two passages

  • sbzan25sbzan25 Alum Member
    42 karma

    Yes, that would have been experimental!

    @lsatjess said:
    Was the quilts/rugs logic game part of the experimental section?

  • @olioliber said:
    A kid next to me had on knee high Trump/American flag socks

    Hope the essay could incorporate that little issue ya had going on there

  • bratty_nixbratty_nix Alum Member
    16 karma

    @joanyou9382 said:
    Can someone tell me which of the following LR is experimental? I had LR Lg Lr lr RC. The first LR had (ivy and building construction), maybe (foreshock and earthquake). Second had (blame malice moral wrong) , maybe (possum dietary). Third one i don’t remember for sure, it might have (deep ethical issues). Thanks a bunch!!

    I had thee LRs as well but didn’t have anything about a possum or blame/malice. My order was LR Lg LR LR RC.

    How many Lr sections can there be?

  • @bratty_nix said:

    I had thee LRs as well but didn’t have anything about a possum or blame/malice. My order was LR Lg LR LR RC.

    How many Lr sections can there be?

    Up to 3

  • maripositamariposita Free Trial Member
    9 karma

    @SerenityFalcon said:

    @BagelBiter You're not alone!

    I had the same sections as you in the same order today, and also took the December LSAT, scored like you then, and feel exactly the same in every respect!

    I'm guessing my Feb. score will be identical to December too, because of these trade-offs... unless I did much better on the LR sections, which I can't really say. I'm tempering my hopes of a higher score.

    This was my first time taking the test and I feel the same way! I had LG - LR - RC (exp), and I felt good during the break, then I had the real RC section. I felt uncertain on a few of the questions in the beetle passage, and they ate up a lot of time. They called 5 min, and I was thinking, "I should at least try to get these right." Ended up not feeling certain about some answers, turning the page to see that the last passage had 7 freaking questions, and guessing out. Ughhhhhhhh I was really hoping that the other RC section was the real one. The last LR section was manageable, and I was able to finish all the questions (which is pretty rare for me).

  • 179 karma

    @joanyou9382 said:
    Can someone tell me which of the following LR is experimental? I had LR Lg Lr lr RC. The first LR had (ivy and building construction), maybe (foreshock and earthquake). Second had (blame malice moral wrong) , maybe (possum dietary). Third one i don’t remember for sure, it might have (deep ethical issues). Thanks a bunch!!

    I had LG LR LG RC LR

    The 1st LR was definitely real (ivy and building construction), (foreshock and earthquake).

    This may not be helpful BUT, I sort-of recall deep ethical issues—although I believe the specific question used the term "morals."

    I don't recall anything about possums lol

  • hawaiihihawaiihi Free Trial Member
    973 karma

    @jgsisco said:
    What else was in real RC?

    I had two and I remember one first one that discussed WEB Dubois and Booker T Washington/Adult Education. And the other one's first one was about Great Zimbabwe.

    The WEB Dubois was real. That's the only one I had

  • sbzan25sbzan25 Alum Member
    42 karma

    I had 3 LR -- "It was all a dream..." that lyric has never been more relevant!

    One of my sections had a question about ivy and building and another about B2 (or some kind of vitamin)... another section had a disagree question something about journalism/newspaper articles... and then the last section included a question maaaaaybe about election candidates???

    .. As I implied... such a blur lol

    @joanyou9382 said:
    Can someone tell me which of the following LR is experimental? I had LR Lg Lr lr RC. The first LR had (ivy and building construction), maybe (foreshock and earthquake). Second had (blame malice moral wrong) , maybe (possum dietary). Third one i don’t remember for sure, it might have (deep ethical issues). Thanks a bunch!!

  • AspiringHRLawyerAspiringHRLawyer Alum Member
    13 karma

    @jwrigh73 said:
    i had LR LG LR LR RC

    1st LR not sure, 2nd LR had something necessary for success, but this person doesn't have both so he is not successful. 3rd LR had oil prices question.

    LG confirmed with Robber, man, woman.

    RC confirmed with WB and beatles section.

    Can anyone confirm second LR is experimental?

    I have a feeling then that the first one was experimental because i got the same order as you and both LR questions you mentioned for each remaining section, i had. ? i felt much better about those than i did for the first LR section, so I guess I have that going for me... but the Logic Games killed me. I usually do well in those and this time I felt like i blanked out half way... the last one was brutal.

  • AspiringHRLawyerAspiringHRLawyer Alum Member
    13 karma

    @btsao650 said:
    I had 3 LR.

    One of them had a question about samurai children. Was that one real?

    I had three as well... dont remember any question with samurai children.

  • 179 karma

    @jwrigh73 said:
    There was also a LR question about forging an authors handwriting because the pressure applied was even or something like that. I’m not sure what section that was though

    I had LG LR LG RC LR

    I remember a question that talked about "changing handwriting" and "changes in personality" it ... not the same thing I know lol Sorry if that's not helpful.

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    @ddelapaz said:

    I had LG LR LG RC LR

    I remember a question that talked about "changing handwriting" and "changes in personality" it ... not the same thing I know lol Sorry if that's not helpful.

    Ugh I was stuck on that one

  • OneFortyDotSixOneFortyDotSix Alum Member
    634 karma

    for LG, is a whole section experimental or are experimental and non-experimental games included in each section? (assuming you get 2 LG's)

  • 179 karma

    @sbzan25 said:
    I had 3 LR -- "It was all a dream..." that lyric has never been more relevant!

    One of my sections had a question about ivy and building and another about B2 (or some kind of vitamin)... another section had a disagree question something about journalism/newspaper articles... and then the last section included a question maaaaaybe about election candidates???

    I had LG LR LG RC LR

    The disagree question about journalism/newspaper articles is real.

    Did the B2 vitamin question you're referring to talk about adults absorbing less of the vitamin as they age? (I think it was it was near the end of the section? not 100% where though)

    If so it was real.

  • maripositamariposita Free Trial Member
    9 karma

    @ddelapaz said:

    I had LG LR LG RC LR

    The 1st LR was definitely real (ivy and building construction), (foreshock and earthquake).

    This may not be helpful BUT, I sort-of recall deep ethical issues—although I believe the specific question used the term "morals."

    I don't recall anything about possums lol

    same, no possums for me. i got the other ones mentioned though.

  • maripositamariposita Free Trial Member
    9 karma

    @hawaiihi said:

    The WEB Dubois was real. That's the only one I had

    I didn't get anything about Zimbabwe.

  • Aliya_xxAliya_xx Free Trial Member
    16 karma

    YES! I had a LG experimental, but I can confirm that TV/journalistic disagreement question was real, along with the B12 vitamins or whatever. There was also a question on planting your own vegetables, flaw question on voters choosing a candidate who's views have changed since the past.. I'm honestly freaked about this lsat! Ugh!

    @ddelapaz said:

    I had LG LR LG RC LR

    The disagree question about journalism/newspaper articles is real.

    Did the B2 vitamin question you're referring to talk about adults absorbing less of the vitamin as they age? (I think it was it was near the end of the section? not 100% where though)

    If so it was real.

  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma

    I had 3 LRs LR LG LR LR RC
    I thought the test was overall pretty easy. Does anyone with only two LRs remember a question with UFOs and the movie ET? It was my last LR and was a pretty easy section, so I’m hoping it’s real ?

  • jwrigh73jwrigh73 Alum Member
    43 karma

    @dgarcia218 said:

    I have a feeling then that the first one was experimental because i got the same order as you and both LR questions you mentioned for each remaining section, i had. ? i felt much better about those than i did for the first LR section, so I guess I have that going for me... but the Logic Games killed me. I usually do well in those and this time I felt like i blanked out half way... the last one was brutal.

    Actually I’m not sure what section was oil prices. Maybe the 2nd. Haha

  • GoBirds11GoBirds11 Alum Member
    169 karma

    @"J. Tharp" said:
    I had 3 LRs LR LG LR LR RC
    I thought the test was overall pretty easy. Does anyone with only two LRs remember a question with UFOs and the movie ET? It was my last LR and was a pretty easy section, so I’m hoping it’s real ?

    Yes, that was real.

  • SerenityFalconSerenityFalcon Alum Member
    86 karma

    @"J. Tharp" said:
    I had 3 LRs LR LG LR LR RC
    I thought the test was overall pretty easy. Does anyone with only two LRs remember a question with UFOs and the movie ET? It was my last LR and was a pretty easy section, so I’m hoping it’s real ?

    ET Question was real.

  • jwrigh73jwrigh73 Alum Member
    43 karma

    I think that means the 2nd LR section is experimental for LR LG LR LR RC.

    Ivy is real and it was in the first LR section.

    UFO is real and it was in the third LR section.

  • jwrigh73jwrigh73 Alum Member
    43 karma

    Also. My last LR section had a lot of two people arguments.

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @"J. Tharp" said:
    I had 3 LRs LR LG LR LR RC
    I thought the test was overall pretty easy. Does anyone with only two LRs remember a question with UFOs and the movie ET? It was my last LR and was a pretty easy section, so I’m hoping it’s real ?

    I had that question.

  • sjames123sjames123 Alum Member
    100 karma

    Does anyone remember one with echolocation and wales? Was that real or experimental?

  • @sjames123 said:
    Does anyone remember one with echolocation and wales? Was that real or experimental?

    For what part?

  • sjames123sjames123 Alum Member
    100 karma

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    For what part?

    For LR

  • saberatisaberati Alum Member
    94 karma

    @sjames123 said:
    Does anyone remember one with echolocation and wales? Was that real or experimental?

    I had 3 LR sections and don't remember that. Gotta be experimental

  • 179 karma

    @sjames123 said:
    Does anyone remember one with echolocation and wales? Was that real or experimental?

    I had 2 LG—99.99% sure the whales question is experimental

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited February 2018 9382 karma

    Hi @olioliber,

    Can you move this thread to February 2018 category? It will be easier to find information about the undisclosed test for people in the future or LSAT historians.

    Tagging: @"Cant Get Right" @"Dillon A. Wright" @"Alan Cheuk"

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited February 2018 9382 karma

    @akistotle said:
    Hi @olioliber,

    Can you move this thread to February 2018 category? It will be easier to find information about the undisclosed test for people in the future or LSAT historians.

    Tagging: @"Cant Get Right" @"Dillon A. Wright" @"Alan Cheuk"

    It's changed now, so disregard this! Thank you, J.Y.

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    @akistotle said:

    It's changed now, so disregard this! Thank you, J.Y.

    Yup. Changed it

  • ewelina.bzduchaewelina.bzducha Alum Member
    7 karma

    @KevinA14 said:
    @saberati you got trucks and runner, nurse, yoga for LG?

    I had the same! Hopefully that one was real cause it was fairly easy. The second LG was horrible tho! I didn't event get to the last game! So I pray it was experimental.

  • kshutes13kshutes13 Member
    edited February 2018 634 karma

    @"ewelina.bzducha" said:

    I had the same! Hopefully that one was real cause it was fairly easy. The second LG was horrible tho! I didn't event get to the last game! So I pray it was experimental.

    The LG section that had yoga and trucks was experimental.
    The real one was three econ classes/prerequisites, robbery in museum, classes in upper hall/lower hall, and seating arrangements.

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    LG seems to have thrown lots of ppl off. Can anyone think of similar games that we can fool proof? What was so unfamiliar about the games?

  • ewelina.bzduchaewelina.bzducha Alum Member
    7 karma

    @kshutes13 said:

    The LG section that had yoga and trucks was experimental.
    The real one was three econ classes/prerequisites, robbery in museum, classes in upper hall/lower hall, and seating arrangements.

    Thanks! I had a different set tho! First one was yoga/trucks and the second one manager employees/subjects for 1,2 semester - religion, physics....
    But now I am even more depressed.....

  • kshutes13kshutes13 Member
    edited February 2018 634 karma

    @"ewelina.bzducha" said:

    Thanks! I had a different set tho! First one was yoga/trucks and the second one manager employees/subjects for 1,2 semester - religion, physics....
    But now I am even more depressed.....

    Don't be depressed! You just completed a major feat - the LSAT is a beast. Take some time off and relax.

    Did you not have any of the games about econ, robbery, upper/lower hall, and seating arrangements? Did you write internationally?

  • ewelina.bzduchaewelina.bzducha Alum Member
    7 karma

    @kshutes13 said:

    Don't be depressed! You just completed a major feat - the LSAT is a beast. Take some time off and relax.

    Did you not have any of the games about econ, robbery, upper/lower hall, and seating arrangements? Did you write internationally?

    No, I didn't have any of these......My first set was yoga/south bay, north bay, and the second set: employees, music quartet, school subjects, the fourth one I don't even remember I panicked. That's why I am so upset - cause the first set seemed so easy I managed to complete it on time and was pretty confident.....
    Yes I wrote the exam in Poland

  • aperl30591aperl30591 Member
    9 karma

    @tanes256 said:
    LG seems to have thrown lots of ppl off. Can anyone think of similar games that we can fool proof? What was so unfamiliar about the games?

    On the real LG section I felt there was no straight forward "easy" game. They were all medium to hard in my opinion. I was convinced that the real LG was the experimental section when I felt.

  • cdawson1970cdawson1970 Member
    88 karma

    Lots of info pertaining to lies on various sections.

  • cdawson1970cdawson1970 Member
    88 karma


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