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in General 381 karma

Hey guys, This is my first message but I thought it would be best to get it out there in the forum. I recently got approved for testing accommodations for the June LSAT which entails 50% additional test time on all multiple choice sections and a 15 minute break after sections 1,2,4,5 and a 30 minute break after section 3. I was wondering your guys opinions on PT's and how I should be doing them with these accommodations. I assume I should take the PT's under these conditions but also am considering "normal" or "a little more time than normal" to give myself plenty of time at the end of each section just in case. Please let me know how you feel is the best way for me to prepare under these conditions. Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys.


  • cstrobelcstrobel Alum Member
    228 karma

    Definitely try under the conditions that you'll be taking the real one under. I wouldn't shave time off until you are confident in your approaches to all the question types. Once you are and aren't making the same silly mistakes, then try dropping a minute or two.
    Taking it in June? Good luck!

  • Eric25Eric25 Member
    720 karma

    The only thing i would keep in mind is keeping your mindset going strong after each break. Ive heard people talk about the break on the lsat as actually a burden bc it can relax your mind and make it difficult to get back to optimum focus, so i would take them as you will be!

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    I would always use either your real time or maybe like 5 minutes less. You don't need to finish 17.5 minutes early on every section. That would be an inefficient way to use your time. But if you want a buffer, 5 minutes might be nice. I occasionally aimed to finish in 30 minutes to make sure I could still speed up if I was running behind on a section and needed to.

    You probably also do have to mimic all the breaks. It's almost a shame because that is going to make practice tests take a lot longer than normal or even just with the longer sections. However, handling the break is going to be pretty vital if you have 4 of them that matter and an annoying one before the writing sample essay thingy.

    Do you have to accept all the accomodations? I really don't see how more frequent breaks are desirable or helpful to anyone. I would have given up the main break if we could.

  • 1234567812345678 Alum Member
    23 karma

    Hey guys! I actually have a couple questions about this topic specific to my particular disability. Does anyone mind if I message them about it? Sorry for the trouble but this is making me really nervous!

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