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I have viewed discussion threads for the past month, and I have decided to sign up for Ultimate Plus. I am hoping that I can pull myself out of this rut.
Last summer, I had signed up for a pricey Powerscore online course, cancelled one LSAT score, and then in December, I had gotten below a 150. It was a disaster, and the nerves were getting the best of me. I was so nervous during the test. I had PT'd consistently around a 165, studied while working full-time, in the middle of a career change, and being a mother of two. I was beyond disappointed.
I decided to try to shake it off, immerse myself in studying, and I am hoping to pull myself out of this funk and score what I am capable of doing.
Starting my 7sage!
Good luck!—take it slow, and be consistent and you should have more than enough to hit your goals, whether or not you’re stressed!—A.c.S
Good luck to you! Don't be to disappointed keep it up you'll get there.
Congrats and welcome! Love the spirit! I had a similar experience: Underperformed after studying with Powerscore, then came to 7Sage and learned how to do it right. If I can do it, you can do it. Work hard and efficiently and you’ll be there before you know it!
Good luck on all your studies, we will all be here if you need help!
Yes, welcome!! 7sage is an incredible resource, and this is such a wonderful community. I think you're going to see a lot of improvement with the course. And if you need any help, the folks around here are always willing to talk through any tough patches. Exciting things are ahead for you!
Thank you for all your support guys! I already appreciate the sense of community here.
This is the best LSAT community and people have made amazing improvements on here.
Glad you’re here! You’re definitely among like company—bombing the LSAT after PS not being a great fit. You really shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. It’s awesome you got to165 already, while working, and keeping two other human beings alive...some of us can barely do that for ourselves haha. You can definitely get there!
@"Cant Get Right" How did you deal with test-day nerves?
That's the spirit! It only gets better once you bottomed out!
HAHA thanks! I have had people say, it only gets better once you've hit rock bottom. Unfortunately I hit rock bottom on the LSAT. I'm planning on taking Sept. or Nov. LSAT.
I am worried about how law schools will view my very low score and one cancellation. Ugh.
I am hoping for a solid LSAT score and that my professional experience will work in my favor.
For test day nerves, I planned for them and had specific strategies to know exactly how I was going to deal with them. I could never get rid of them, so I had to learn to manage them. My Sept 2016 take was actually pretty epic in that regard. It was my third take back when you could only test three times and I knew I bombed LG in section 1. So I had to take the entire test knowing I’d already dropped the ball. It was crushing, but I was only just starting the test so I set it aside, stuck to the plan, executed my strategies, and pulled off a 170. It’s all about having a plan to manage the nerves, and then the fortitude to stick to it under pressure.
@gkoski welcome! I am also a mom of two (littles) and was in a similar situation. I love 7Sage and have really been putting my all into my studying. Its not easy but please just hang in there. Keep motivating yourself and take it day by day. Ask questions as much as you need to and keep your motivation alive. We've had people with the low 140's making great strides like @"Cant Get Right" and many, many others. Also, take a look at @LSATcantwin's threads - he had some very motivational threads just a short time back. You can do it!!
@LCMama2017 Thank you so much! It is nice to hear from someone who is in a similar situation! After working full-time, then taking care of the family, sometimes I feel wiped out, and ask myself what in the world am I doing???
But then I think that down the road, I will regret not trying to achieve a lifelong goal! Thank you for your kind words!
@gkoski I hear you on that. "What am I doing?" comes into my head sometimes, especially when I'm tired and sick of studying and how it has eaten my free time whole.
And then I look at my kid and go "That's why". Be an example of how to kick ass at life. Be in a situation later that you can help guide them. If you're really lucky, maybe you'll financially be in a better place to help them.
Personal drive for one's self and one's own dreams is fantastic motivation. Don't misunderstand me; you really should want this for yourself. But having that extra kick in the pants by seeing how you can help those people who depend on you can help overcome those moments of "Why?"
And realize it's not failure unless you give up. Bad tests are just hiccups on your journey, as long as you just keep going.
Are you still in the middle of the career change? My best bet is that you took the test when you had so much working against you and that would only serve to increase your nerves. Whenever you do feel nervous on an exam, think back on the happiness that your children give you. The motivation for a parent to support their children is immeasurable, so think about how happy your children would be to see their mother in a successful career of her own, able to provide for what they need. They would also look to you as a role model, someone who doesn't give up in adverse situations. So when the going goes tough, think about two beautiful children you have, and I guarantee that it will trump your test day nerves and this temporary funk that you are going through.
@westcoastbestcoast @xadrianas6x Thank you both for motivating thoughts! Yes I am still in the middle of a career change transitioning into a corporate HR role.
After my dismal December performance, I kept thinking, maybe this isn't for me...but hearing about other people's 7sage stories, I think I may be able to do it. Such an inspiring community!
You are going to do fine. We believe in you!