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Timed drills

I am currently in the phase of doing timed logical reasoning drills! Today, was my second day and my results were horrible. I feel like I have grasped the concept of all the logical reasoning question types, BUT, when I put a time to it, I feel like I have lost brain cells..... My goal is to get at least the first 10 questions in under 10 minutes or possibly start on the harder questions first.... Some encouragement and explanation please


  • NovLSAT2019NovLSAT2019 Alum Member
    620 karma

    I think it takes a bit of time for us to fully apply the concepts we learn from CC to the questions. My response to the questions were the same too. I understood all of the concepts but when it came to applying them to the actual questions, it became much more difficult. It's like they gave you the tools but now you are learning how to masterfully use them--which takes time! :)

    399 karma

    Agree with what is said above. Except now I'm at the point where I do well with drills and problems sets, and when I go to actual LR sections I feel like I'm, as you put it, losing brain cells. lol

    Step by step, I guess.

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