Negotiating scholarships - what medium to use?

doyeradoyera Alum Member
edited April 2018 in Law School Admissions 47 karma

First off, I love 7sage for helping me achieve a decent LSAT score and also the admissions site was extremely helpful as well. The only thing I think is glaringly missing from the admissions curriculum is a section on negotiating scholarships. I imagine there are A LOT of accepted students out there in the same boat as me - comparable scholarships from a few comparable schools trying to decide where to attend, with one of the biggest priorities being who will give me the most money? There is some good info out there on the interwebs about it but I would definitely love to see a well-vetted 7sage take.

All that said, I'm wondering if anyone with experience negotiating can answer this for me:

What is the best way to contact admissions to ask about negotiating a scholarship? By email? By letter attached to an email? By snail mail?

Any other advice would be appreciated too. As seat deposits start to come in and others start to withdraw, it'll be negotiating time soon (rubs hands together)



  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    Email, snail mail is too slow. I doubt it matters if it is in the body of the email or an attachment, but I would lean body.

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    Email for sure is standard fare. A school I negotiated with had a specific email I was to send my negotiation request to.

  • doyeradoyera Alum Member
    47 karma

    @westcoastbestcoast said:
    Email for sure is standard fare. A school I negotiated with had a specific email I was to send my negotiation request to.

    Thanks I will make sure to check on that. Thanks both for the tips.

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