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Hey! So I have a few questions about things I should/should not include in my LOCI's...they are rather specific to my situation and I just want to see what people think about including them.
1.) Resident - As a resident of California attending these schools at a lower cost is something I consider heavily. My Post 9/11 G.I. Bill will also cover 2 full years of tuition WITHOUT the help of the school if I attend law school in California at a public school. Should I include this as a reason I'd commit to the school in my LOCI?
2.) No acceptances - As suggested by a couple users here, should I carefully mention that I've received no acceptances this year but am on many waitlists. Saying something how accepting me off the waitlist is likely to result in me being fully committed to their school. Obviously I would do this VARY carefully and not make it seem like a bribe....haha
Those are my two big ones; any thoughts on if I should include that stuff or not?
I think you should def include #1. Schools want to know that you WILL go there if accepted off the waitlist - it's something they consider when they admit off WL (their yield). If Factor #1 is very important to you, definitely include it in there to convey that.
for #2 I'm not sure but I'm sure others on here will be more helpful about obviously don't want your vibe to be "I'm waitlisted everywhere so please be the one that takes me in"
Just curious. How early did you apply this cycle?
Not early - All my Apps were submitted in early Jan.
Yeah agreed with @mcglz_64. I like #1, I might phrase it more as “I’m telling you this because if accepted, I will attend your school regardless of scholarship”.
For #2 though... I feel like it’s not the best to tell them you’re waitlisted everywhere. I feel like it makes you sound like you’re not in demand, that they made the right choice in waitlisting you. I don’t think I’d show your hand like that. I would stick to just emphasizing you love their school so much, why you’d be a great fit, what you would contribute to the school/other students, why you know you would succeed (increased grades, extremely motivated), and that you commit to attending if accepted.
Oh my gosh I have no idea why that text is giant hahahaha. Eek! Sorry! I don’t know how to fix it!
What do you have to lose? If this doesn't work, what are you options? Reapply next year?
Have you been able to consult someone with the relevant credentials?
Why are you yelling at me?! haha
I was sorta leaning that way as well. If I did include #2 I'd have to do it very strategically and planned. I'm not sure if I'm good enough to do that in a way that doesn't sink my ship!
Yeah I talked to Spivey, and it just sounds like I have to ride it out. I'm not sure I'll hire them for the wait-lists since it's no guarantee and a LOT of money.
My single biggest obstacle right now is my Dad. Currently he is willing to help with my third year of law school. That means I'd come out debt free. He has been pretty adamant that I go this year or I might lose that help from him.
So the struggle is real lol
I wouldn't want to wait any longer if I were you, but I thought you mentioned no acceptances yet. Disclosure of your waitlists doesn't strike me as much of a risk at this point--it's either that or hope and pray and do nothing, right? Disclosure could work against you, but if you phrase it appropriately I doubt it will. Still, you should try to strike a very specific tone in your LOCI. You want adcomms to see you as an excellent student who may have caught on a little later than you would have preferred but who has caught on nonetheless and now plans to pound law school into submission. Your 171 is still valuable to schools even if it is not as valuable as it was just last year.
You want to show them you are humble, introspective, honest about your weaknesses, and they want to be reassured that you are not that 2.x GPA
That's the plan right now. And yes, I have 0 acceptances. The only thing I have to lose it potentially the third year of law school paid for haha
@"Leah M B", The large font looks like Star Wars.
And I agree. I wouldn't talk about being WL'd everywhere. I'd emphasize being really happy about the possible chance to attend the school and show your knowledge of the specific programs. I think the app questions will make it clear to them that you're a California resident so I don't know whether or not it's useful to say it again in an LOCI--I'd be interested to hear what other people think about this. Maybe instead consider a bit different of an approach, like discussing the community the school's in and your plans to be of service to the law clinics or something similar. I wonder about writing an interesting story, a new topic, that shows your skills and by extension, what you'd contribute as a law student at their school. I also think some kind of alumni networking could help because you could quote these conversations and maybe relate them to the school's role in helping to shape that person's career and academic paths. Maybe also say you've been interested in studying law for X number of years and it's essential that you start this degree in fall. And definitely keep us updated. I'm going to be a 2018-2019 applicant and information from this cycle is very helpful.
Which is no small thing! Good luck.
I hate to disagree with you, but I think this approach is so cookie cutter that they may not even read the entire LOCI.
I think the most important thing to remember is that a WL =/= rejection. If I were in your position, @LSATcantwin, I would be more than comfortable with a little bit of risk in my LOCI.
Hmm. I wouldn't say that it is late either. I was about to just say that you should reapply and submit early but there is still a good chance that you would get similar outcomes. I personally think you should enlist the aid of 7sage or Spivey to get personalized help on your LOCI. Its an investment that should have huge potential returns. It's been a rough cycle. Even people with strong numbers got waitlisted in the T14. It seems they are more nitpicky with applicants due to increased supply.
I think the "#" does that if at the start of a new line.
Big Font
Normal font
If it were me I don't know that I would say I wasn't in anywhere. Maybe just say you will attend if accepted(which is true because you want to go next year and have not been accepted anywhere else).
Definitely tell them about the post 9/11 GI bill being a factor which makes their schools even more attractive to you.
Ah ha!! I knew it was something like that but couldn’t figure it out. Thank you!
Hmmm.. maybe you could use the waitlisted-at-various-schools topic, but rephrase it in a positive way. "I've applied to several schools that I'm interested in, but I hope to hear back from your school because I honestly think I would be happiest there. Your location is where I want to be, and your school's programs appeal to me the most, yadda yadda yadda..." You get the idea of what I'm trying to say. Spin the idea that you are awaiting responses in a positive light to make it sound like you want this school and if they don't act fast, it'll be a missed opportunity, vs "help obi wan kenobi, you're my only hope."