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Does Theory Fall into Place with Practice?

Controller779Controller779 Alum Member
in General 221 karma
Currently working through the core curriculum and starting the pain of Lawgic. Today's session was learning the nine argument types and "some", "must" theory.

I pretty much get it all but struggle as I am not yet far enough along to see this theory in practice with actual questions.

Do you find that the theory, if you don't fully get it during the videos, falls into place somewhat when put in context with actual questions?

Confidence is a bIt low!


  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    Yes Yes Yes absolutely! I feel like the LSAT is 20% theory, 50% practice, and 30% BR (I totally made up those numbers). Basically, getting exposed to the theory is just the beginning. Personally, I spent way too much time trying to learn everything all at once when I needed to practice, blind review, go back to theories to fill in gaps in my understanding, and repeat this cycle.

    I think something that I didn't know is that the LSAT is an iterative process. You learn, practice, review, re-learn all the way up until test day. Don't think of it as a linear learning process! Just absorb as much as you can, practice, and keep chugging along :)
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Yes! Make sure you memorize those lessons! They will be very helpful soon, especially once you get to PTs. Also, valid and invalid argument types. CRUCIAL information to memorize and know when to spot it out.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    Yes! But if this is you're first time seeing it, I would study the lessons. When you work through it in practice, I know for me, I would just skim over and read most without remembering that it was significant. Now I can see it no problem. Just know the rules backwards and forwards and it'll become a lot clearer when you move through the lessons and practice!
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    what they said^^
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