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Has anyone made their final decision on where to attend this fall? Let us know so we can cheer for you! Could use some vicarious joy to offset all the anxiety of this season.
So, tell us all where the 7sage diaspora is headed in August!
Applying next year
So, BUMP !!!
I thought this meant you had decided! Can't wait to hear from you! I am all CUNY all the way in the end. That fellowship is no joke and I feel good about my choices.
Accepted and going to Capital Law School in Columbus, Ohio
Haha false alarm. No, I think I'm 99% sure I'm retaking and waiting a year.
But yayyyy CUNY!! They are lucky to have you!
Woohoo! You did it!
May I ask why you're retaking or if you have any advise for those that are going to take it for the first time?
Of course. I only took the test once in December (wasn't ready until then) and while I was super happy with my score (it was right in my PT average), I didn't feel like I maxed out yet. I was still improving up until test day. And then because of taking December LSAT and life things, I ended up not applying until the very end of January and some in February. This cycle was extra competitive and I think the late apps really hurt my chances at several schools. So I'm planning on going back to studying, taking again in June and/or September, and then re-applying in October so I can beat the crowd, and possibly even apply ED somewhere.
Basically, I feel like I didn't totally put my best foot forward this year - I actually sent in most of my apps while I was sick in bed with the flu lol. Literally 101 degree fever and sending out apps because I was up against the deadlines haha. I was crossing my fingers there weren't massive typos. So I felt like I slightly underperformed this year. And if I raise my LSAT score just a bit and apply early, I could be in the running for much more significant acceptances and scholarships. So that's my goal!
Retakee. You got thiss
Thank you!
Awesome, sounds like you got your best foot forward now
Just curious, how long did you study for to get your goal score?
Oh sorry, just realized I didn't answer your Q about advice for first time takers.
I studied for roughly 9 or 10 months. I think I started around March/Feb of last year. I will admit though, I didn't study hardcore that whole time. It was off and on for several months. I started with the PS bibles and that didn't help a ton. Signed up for 7sage after a couple months on my own and started making more improvement then. So I would say maybe 4 months of sporadic studying and about 5 months of focused. Started at 155 diagnostic.
Most of my advice would be signing up for 7sage, so you're ahead of the curve already haha. Also setting a study schedule to keep yourself on track. Decide how many days per week you're going to study, and pace yourself. Don't overdo it or you'll burn out. If you ever find your scores dropping and frustration building, take a few days off. The brain needs time to relax. I work full time and decided that I would take 1 weekday evening off per week. (Fully off, I'd either do something fun with friends or something relaxing like going to a movie. Unplug the brain and rest.) Saturdays I did a PT and maybe started BR but that's it, and Sundays I would do the full BR and then set it aside. I made sure not to overdo it on the weekends, and still do fun things with friends so that I could relax and be refreshed. I utilized my lunch breaks when I could (would walk to the library and take a timed section or do a couple LGs) and recognized my limitations: mainly, about 2 hours per evening was usually my max and doing anything past 10pm wouldn't be productive. Time away from studying is important to not overdo it and burn out. Meditation also seems to help a lot of people that deal with test anxiety, Headspace is a good app to get into it.
I think that's about it for my advice!
I grew up in Bexley- very cool.
Yeah! You decided! I think this is great. Especially given how late you applied, you're smart to reposition. I approve!
Thank you so much for posting this! ^^ it helped ease my feelings about my studying. Im kinda in the same boat you were in last year. I work full time as well so seeing that it is possible to study, take the test and still do well keeps my hopes up!
Awesome!!! Where are you going to law school?
@speedwagon, Really glad to hear you've committed and are happy, plus NYC is a great place to learn about law. Do you know if there's a list of schools offering fellowships?
I am in undergrad taking the LSAT over the summer. Will apply next year so who knows lol.
Is that like what you're looking for? That is only a list of T14 scholarships, but I'm sure there's something similar for non-T14 schools.
UC Irvine

Harvard. Officially committed a few days ago.
I don't know! I applied to CUNY as a safety/CUNY is pretty well regarded in the NYC PI sphere. They offered me the fellowship, I didn't apply knowing it was there.
I have some worries about going somewhere so low-ranked but/and the people I talk to make it seem that this is going to be a good experience...and I am going to graduate almost 100% debt free thanks to my savings and the money they are giving me, a huge boon when it comes to PI.
I'm retaking as well––the feeling like you could just squeeze out a little bit more is there!! good luck to both of us in studying and for the next cycle (I'll be applying then too)!
Yesssss!! Congrats!
YES. SO GOOD. We're all so stoked for you man. Congrats!
Truth. And they are a great school. Seriously loved my visit there. Eat some STL bbq for us! Congratulations!!
Heading to WashU!
Likely no where; unless one of my 7 waitlists decides to move lol
My best best friend is in her 3L at CUNY right now. She got the pro bono scholars award and took the bar in Feb this year and is interning full-time at the ACLU nationwide right now.
She did her first summer at the Hague in The Netherlands and has done other amazing work.
Everyone I know from CUNY (granted they are all people she hangs/studies with) are brilliant. They are all extremely radical in their politics. So, if you would likely be made uncomfortable by studying law at a school that would love to abolish prisons, be mindful of what you're getting yourself into. If you're into it radical stuff, then come hang with us after you start there! Haha.
Keep in mind you won't be learning corporate law. So, big law will not be in your future (but if you got into CUNY then I assume you know that already).
I actually know the 2 3L's this year who have that fellowship and it has really helped them. They're both Pro Bono scholars like my friend; 1 is in South Africa for her final semester and the other is at a trans* rights organization.
They set you up to do very well in the NYC PI area, especially in the public defender space. But, it will definitely be a bit of a battle since those jobs are still super competitive. Go there, do well and I'm sure you'll flourish (and be debt free).
Heading to the University of Texas at Austin!
JUST decided. Hoping to hear back from them about a financial aid appeal, but I'm going either way.
It was tough deciding between them and Northwestern (because of NU's prestige), but I want to practice in Texas, so that's what ultimately pulled me. Also, I'm a Florida boy and the weather would kill me.
Anyone else going to UT?
Yes!! If you want to practice in TX, that is top notch. Congratulations!!
I still believe! I have a gut feeling, you’re going to get in off one of these lists and it will be awesome.
It's still early. :P
I appreciate this SO MUCH. I feel excited about CUNY. The many people I know who are CUNY lawyers are doing awesome things. But ever since I started spending more time in the internet prelaw world in my LSAT prep I've been worrying somehow I'm shooting myself in the foot. It aligns very much with my goals and I am very much aware of the radical stuff. I got protested not that long ago at the admitted students day! (I mean, not me personally, but still.) It was a ride but it feels very familiar. Thank you so much and I'm psyched to become a...whatever CUNY's mascot is (the flaming antifa's?)
I wouldn't worry about shooting yourself in the foot. CUNY is perfect for someone who wants to do public interest law in New York. CUNY seems to get its share of people doing prestigious fellowships and stuff. It just isn't about Big Law there.
And for public interest law not having debt is going to be great.
Congrats! That is my top choice heading into applications this fall (believing I'll hit my LSAT goal haha)! Question. So far through what you have seen and heard from others, what did UT seem to stress the most with what they wanted to see in applicants?
I'd say law schools have like 80-90% overlap in terms of what they're looking for in applicants. So it's tough to say. From my vibe, they seem to lean on the more conservative side of law schools (maybe not the most since, well, it's Austin), so I'd recommend having a 3.7 GPA and at least a 168 LSAT and you should be fine. And of course write decent essays.
Put down my deposit at UVA Law!
UChicago! I just wrote about it too
Yes!! Congrats!
So awesome, congratulations!!
Congrats what may you choose UVA? It's a top choice for me when I apply in the fall.
@"Leah M B" , thank you so much! You and others in this supportive community have made the long journey 100000x better
@Emily2122 , it was due to a combination of fit, alignment with my career goals and financial reasons! To be honest, I only applied at first because of the fee waiver they gave :P I want to end up in Northern California, but I am SO glad I did apply as it all worked out! I absolutely loved talking to everyone at UVA Law, and it's a supportive community (like here at 7sage) which really matters to me as I perform best under a collaborative atmosphere. Additionally I believe that UVA really does look at an individual holistically rather than just at their stats. Best of luck with applications!
I'll be attending University of Michigan Law School. I paid my deposit today and have removed myself from all the waitlists except Harvard which I might stay on just to know, but probably will remove myself from too.
Final results
LSAC GPA: 3.81
LSAT: 172, 180
Yale: Ghosted(permanently as far as I can tell)
Stanford: Rejected
Harvard: Waitlist
Chicago: Waitlist
Columbia: Accepted
NYU: Waitlist
Penn: Waitlist
Michigan: Accepted$150,000
Virginia: Waitlist
Duke: Accepted $150,000
Northwestern: Waitlist
Cornell: Waitlist
WUSTL: Accepted $150,000
@"Seeking Perfection" CONGRATULATIONS! That sounds awesome!
You've done some really great work. I've been seeing and following your posts for like nine months and it's really cool to finally see where you've decide to go. ^^
Super cool!
Yes, I'm excited too!
I'm born and raised in Michigan so they always had a small natural edge because of that. It also made it easier to convince them I would attend if accepted.
I also turned them down in undergrad for a scholarship despite liking it in Ann Arbor a lot so in a way it will be coming full circle to go there for Law school. And oddly, attending will be a vindication that it was the right decision to turn UofM undergrad down since I was able to make it back.
The scholarship at Michigan together with the lower cost of living makes it a deal I consider better than the early decision money at Northwestern and I am very glad I got something better than that since I decided not to apply ED there.
I'll definitely keep in contact with 7sage some although my attention is probably going to start to shift away from the LSAT and admissions a little and toward the 0L prep I'll be doing over the summer. I'll also definitely report back on how that goes after a semester.
All of this sounds great. I definitely looks like you've made the right decision.
A lot of this decision for me as well comes down to personal history and intuitive attraction--compared to just simply going to the highest-ranking school possible. All the best with 0L prep!