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Used all recent Practice Tests

RiseandGrindRiseandGrind Alum Member
edited April 2018 in General 219 karma

Hi 7sagers,

I need some advice on what to do when you've used all practice tests. I will be taking the LSAT for the third time in June. I have finished CC, fool proofed games 1-35, and taken tests 35 to the latest one that is available to us. I have been retaking the 70's PTs as a benchmark, but I am not sure if I can trust the accuracy of the scores I am getting from tests that I have already taken before. Any thoughts?


  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    So you don't have any fresh material from PTs 1 to 83+ (I believe 83 is the latest available) or any of the previously undisclosed tests A, Feb97, B, C, or C2?

    If that's the case, you can try reducing the time per section form 35 to say 30 minutes. I keep a scrap book of all questions that ever gave me difficulty and reviewing them with a focus on cookie cutter classification where appropriate. You can give that a shot too.

  • Return On InferenceReturn On Inference Alum Member
    503 karma

    There's an AMA with 7sager Accounts Playable on the 7sage youtube where they talk about this situation for a good amount of the AMA.

    I'd go watch that video and see if that gives you some direction. You should be able to find it just searching on youtube.

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