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Hey Everyone!
I just walked over to my study desk and had one of those moments where looking at it made me feel so happy. I just couldn't resist sharing a pic and seeing what you all think!
I love how the herbs smell in the morning (especially the mint) and the aloe vera plant just gives me these healthy vibes.
I would love to know how you all have your study desk set up.
Here it is! : )
Zen. :]
Thank you for reminding me I really need to clean my desk, Sami!
lol (Seriously, I'm not being sarcastic! I need to
lol I legit started laughing.
I have had those days too. I think it was two days ago I kept mixing my blind review copy with my actual PT. Then it got mixed with one of the PT's I printed for my students. It was a mess. lol

That happens all the time! "Wait, is this PTxx? Oh no, this is PTyy. Sh#@! Why did I print this again?" All kinds of mess.
I think I was like, wait I am sure I got this question right, why does it say E? Oh wait, wrong PT! Where is the real one? There are like three question 19 here!
It really is Zen.
It's funny how something so simple makes such a big difference!
Nice! Okay, so I see rosemary and thyme. Is that basil peeking over from behind your laptop? And I believe those are Noricas? Excellent choice.
Indeed it is! There is also sage (get it? Sage for 7sage) lol
My boyfriend suggested those to me.
Haha! Noricas!
This is my pencil setup:
Maybe I should start growing sage in hopes of becoming a
I'll post my pic in a bit!
LOL ok chill we should actually do this
Me: "Haha!"
Also me:
I love how you have your pencil tips covered!!!! I need to do that!
I love your keyboard cover as well! I need to find mine
@Sprinkles and @akistotle lol you two are so funny!
Is this on Amazon? lol But would the plants arrive okay after shipping? After I posted this I realized what I should have done was grow 7 different sage plants! Just to match the theme. Hopefully, having 7 plants increases my chances of becoming a sage? 
@"Jonathan Wang" your setup looks amazing and so efficient and serious! It's minimalistic and everything looks work related. I really like it
@Sprinkles I can't wait to see what your desk looks like
My desk is considerably less zen. :P
Why did you disrespect powerscore like that
He had to make some use of those books! Mine are taking up shelf space and it’s annoying because I know I am never going to use them! Maybe I should take a leaf out leaf out of @goingfor99th setup and use them to prop up my video recording set up.
Nice set up, Sami! I love the incorporation of natural light*** and herbs. Looks like a very pleasant place to prep!
Mine is a little ... boring. My apartment is so small that I'm just grateful I was able to fit the desk anywhere, even though it's not by a window lol
You're back! :]
I have a steelseries mousepad, too! Mine is about twice that size.
Wow your desk is so clean. I thought this picture was from the IKEA website...!
I am back
Dude, aren't they so tight! The one I had before lasted me since like middle school. This one I think I got last summer, and it's still going strong.
Do you game at all?
Thank you
I can't work with stuff all over, so I try to keep it all organized. I do have stacks of tests, books, and other misc. LSAT printouts that are much less neat in boxes in my bedroom though.
ETA: The desk is from Ikea too lol
I have been to NY and with the space that's available in an apartment this looks amazing! I love being neat. Your desk looks like the kind of desk I would be happy to use during prep
Also, welcome back!
@akistotle has an eye for spotting these things!

Cleaned my desk recently and removed my main PC off it so I can fully concentrate and not be distracted! I haven't felt this productive in ages.
OMG!! I love the setup!
It's neat and has such a big personality!

I feel our workspace should make us feel happy and dogs always make me happy
aww Thanks Sami
Yeah you have seen first hand how small NYC apartments can be. Mine isn't the worst space wise, but it's still pretty small haha. If you come to NY for LS, you will get used to it
Thank you so much! I have a lot of decorations and I wasn't sure where to put half of them, haha, I might shift them around more later on.
Doges always make me happy too!
I was also thinking of purchasing vegetation like you, that seems like such a great idea to maintain a healthy and fresh atmosphere! Your view to the outside is so green too!
Love it! I'm so jealous of all the people with a set up next to a window lol
Thanks! It can be distracting sometimes, but the sunlight is always something to appreciate.
I've ordered some plants on Amazon in the past, but the first thing I had to do is to save them from dying. They were packed in bubble wraps and looked as if they were saying "heeelp....." So it really helped nurture a strange bond between the plants and me. lol
Not the best photo and pardon the stacks of things around my desk, I just moved to a new apartment recently haha. Used to share a 2 bedroom townhouse with a roommate and now flying solo in a studio, so still playing tetris to figure out how to store everything. But luckily, it's big enough that I still had room for a desk. I don't love staring at a wall like this but at least there's a big window to the left so it's not as claustrophobic haha.
How come everyone's desk looks so gooooood!?
Thank you @Sami for starting this thread. My desk is a little bit cleaner now.
I know what you mean
. It's like they become your babies. I am sorry they had to go through that shipping nightmare but at least they have got you now
. I think they are very lucky.

lol Each student I have had so far has said that they were inspired by the post to clean their desk
. I'll be honest, before the plants came my desk used to be super messy. But since they have been here, I take extra pride in maintaining a clean desk. Plus, since I need to water them in the morning and evening, it forces me to clean the desk so water doesn't fall on the papers.
It looks really good!!!!
I love that you have a fan there. I might add one since it can get pretty hot. Also, you reminded me that I should always have a water glass there. I keep forgetting to drink enough water! It's so important to stay hydrated.
I have a dog and I love her so much
. I instantly smiled when I saw the dog on your table
Haha yeah. The yard is a bit overgrown but I have decided to not cut it since there are so many colorful wildflowers growing right now and so many cute birds come to visit them
Haha. Yeah. I moved the entire living room around so my desk could have the window. The desk is where I spend most of my time so I reasoned it should have the best place!
Thank you!
It's been getting warmer here and sooo stuffy - fans everywhere! That's one of 3 in my little studio lol. 3rd floor apartment might mean it's a sweaty summer. Hydration is indeed important - though often in the evening that's a wine glass instead of water haha.
lol this made me smile. I have often been scared of drinking a wine glass and studying. I am such a lightweight that I can't imagine I would get any problems done.
I used to game a ton. I must have over 15,000 hours in total spent on gaming. Games were my books. I'm a console player, though, so not much PC. You?
I just retired my (EG-branded!) QCK+ in favor of my new XXL-sized mousepad, but I'm 100% on the SteelSeries mousepad bandwagon - that thing lasted me like five years before the fraying began.
Unfortunately I had to take the plants off my desk today. As I was watering them in the morning I saw that my basil was turning brown and I did a bit of research. Turns out I was being an overenthusiastic plant-parent and watering them twice a day. They only need watering once a week! Overwatering them can actually kill them.
So here they are in the sun -off my desk and recovering. I pruned my basil out and hopefully the sun will dry out the water. Their sister has taken the task of guarding them while they are out of the house.
Hopefully, I can bring them back on my desk in the evening today.
@akistotle I hope yours are doing better.
On a better note, I had planted a couple of tomato plants. One of them just produced their very first flower!!! I know the tomatoes are not LSAT related, but little things like these make me happy and I bet they have a good effect on LSAT. Hopefully, more will bloom soon! If not, I'll at least have one tomato very soon
Sweet dog picture!
I know each and every dog is sweet but she is incredibly sweet and super helpful.