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Admissions Holding App. Until June LSAT Scores- Will Be July Before I Know Anything. What Do I Do?

kshuffield28kshuffield28 Alum Member
edited May 2018 in Law School Admissions 9 karma

My situation involves the following:

  1. I applied to the University of Arkansas School of Law, Tulsa, and OKC (All 3-5 hours away)
  2. I do have disability accommodations for the LSAT. As it stands already, I am not a strong test taker. Before applying, I registered for the June LSAT. My LSAT score from February 2018 was a 144, and I graduated in December 2017 with a 3.4 cumulative GPA.
  3. I am currently working for a defense attorney, where I have been working since in 2015 as a Legal Assistant and Paralegal. I have been working in the legal field since I was age 18, and now I am age 22. My experience is extensive. I have great letters of rec.

    I have had hesitation asking for my application to be held for review by the Admission Council until I take the June LSAT. This is because by the time that my scores are released and my application is reviewed, it will likely be July. This gives me a short period of time to move from Little Rock and get things squared away so that I am able to attend and do my best as a student.

However, I have been advised to proceed with my application being held for my June LSAT score to be reviewed in July.

The problem is, I won't know ANYTHING until July and orientation / school starts in August.

I really don't want to stay in Little Rock another year. I am ready to go to law school, and see something else for a change. So, If I am accepted to either of those, I fully intend to move. It's a quick turn around but it is doable.

I feel like this is a waiting game and July is a cloud of doom. Am I doing everything right? Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Does anyone have words of encouragement for this situation? I am worried that I wont be able to make the score (150-155) that the schools are looking for.

Admin note: edited title; no all caps


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8706 karma

    You seem to be in a bit of a catch-22. You don't want to put off law school for another year yet at the same time, to achieve not putting off law school another year, you've got to perform on the June exam and then have 3-4 weeks of waiting for the score, probably a week+ of review by schools followed by a quick move to start law school. So, tough options either way, Hang in there! Choose what is best for you.

    What I see as most important in your post is your worry about not being able to hit the 150-155 that you're looking for come June's exam (which is roughly a month away). How close are you to this goal? What is your LG looking like? What are your last 5 PT scores?


  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    edited May 2018 737 karma

    You're just 22, so I'm not sure why you're in such a big rush to start law school? Law schools will still be taking apps in a year or two if you need extra time to improve your LSAT score. Once you finish law school there's no going back and doing it over. And if you have to take out loans you will end up having to pay them all back, plus interest. Maybe you could try a different job for a change since you'll have all the time you could want to be in the legal field once you're done with law school. I don't think that backing yourself into a corner by waiting on a June LSAT score to be your saving grace for this fall is the best strategy. Even the schools you listed seem to have medians in the mid-150s. It will take time to get your score up to the mid-150s, although I think you should aim to have a score above the medians of the schools in which you're interested.

    As far as studying goes, try to work your way through the CC and do the problem sets for each question type + review. Unfortunately, it may be hard for you to finish the CC before the June LSAT, which is another reason to consider withdrawing your apps/reapplying next cycle and taking the LSAT in September or November.

  • Christina-5Christina-5 Alum Member
    150 karma

    @kshuffield28 I don’t know why people here think that you can’t ever get to something that you really want when it comes to this lsat test. My advice to you is forget what everyone say, don’t waste no time thinking about all those ifs and maybes only you know what you can do.. just study over time if you have to!! A few weeks ago someone from here told me I won’t get to my goal score by June for whatever reason and it’s not a smart idea to apply and wait another year but for me I knew I couldn’t wait another year nor did I want to. So I put in a few extra time without the CC (and I only had the starter) and the last 4 test I took were a few points pass my goal score. With that being said if you want it go get it ! I love when people tell me I can’t... there is no such thing as can’t for me realistic or not if you put in the hard work you’ll get it done .. a month gives you time to understand LR question type, improve in LG and even come up wit a test taking strategy . But honestly you best bet is figuring out which questions you stuck at and which ones you can improve in the time you have left and on the test skip all those questions you just don’t get and move on. Best of luck ! You got this !!

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