Drop all your LSAT study tips and techniques below. The crazy one, the strict ones, the interesting ones, all of it. For all of those who did not get into schools this time around, what are things you plan on doing differently/ any regrets
Regret: applying this cycle all together. I applied late, I rushed my essays, and got the results that show it. I should have waited a year after I got my lsat score. Spent all summer on essays and apps, and submitted right away.
Take 1 or 2 PTs in environments that are not conducive to the actual test day environment. Taking a PT in a coffee shop can force you to focus with greater intensity and drown out loud distractions. When test day comes the small distractions that people around you may be making will be less of an issue if you have practiced in less than desirable environments.
Didn't apply during this cycle, but let me share one regret because it's Monday: not finding 7Sage earlier. I could have saved so much. Thanks a lot, past me.
Especially for those working full time, beware of burn out and don't push yourself too much. Learn your limits. Working too hard can be self-defeating. For me, that meant 1 weeknight off - making sure I did nothing LSAT-related and spent time doing something fun. On the weekends, I did either a PT or BR it, and no other studying. The rest of the day was spent doing something fun and relaxing.
Be organized. Find a studying rhythm that works for you. Ask for help if you need it.
And my regrets about this cycle are very similar to @LSATcantwin. I don't think I could have done it any differently, but I didn't put the time and effort into my essays that were required. I applied late and was rushed in all of it. I wish I would have given myself more time. I ended up with okay but not great results, and decided to push back a cycle. I don't know that I'd say I really regret it, it was definitely a learning experience and I will go into the next cycle better prepared for what's ahead. But it was a tough season for sure.
Regret: Not begin studying for the LSAT earlier (and not finding 7Sage earlier too).
I am living and breathing the LSAT. The first thing I look forward to when I wake up is studying the LSAT. The last thing I before I go to bed is the LSAT. It holds all of my dreams (and crushed dreams). One point can make a huge difference, so I am giving it the very best that I can.
Study tips: Clean up your vicinity and find a place where you can concentrate without any distractions. I did a major spring cleaning just last week where I moved my PC off my desk, vacuumed the room, and made sure everything was clean and tidy before I sat back down. It's made a huge difference. I no longer have large monitors to distract me and the only things on my desk are pretty much LSAT material (except for my Nintendo Switch because I can't put it anywhere else)!
Don't drink a cup of hot water even an hour before the test on test day. I did that. Was killing the first two sections. I absolutely could not wait until section 3 was over for break cause I was actually starting to feel stomach pain from holding it in. Had to pee so badly, ended up using the bathroom on test day aka LSAT suicide. Canceled my score the very next day.
1) if you're regressing on PTs, take a break from doing them. Just focus on light stuff: drilling games, honing in on hard reading material, etc
2) if you need time off to wait till the next cycle, take it.
3) download the app Forest. You can plant virtual trees whilst not using your phone, which encourages productivity. If you have enough trees in your virtual forest, the company plants a tree in Africa.
4) don't let a bad studying/test day get to you.
5) find the perfect pencil for you. I use US General cedar point pencils for games because I like their scratchy and firmness. I keep four sharpened ones with me: one for each game. For all other sections, I use Palomino Blackwing 602 or Palomino Blackwing Pearl. Finding a pencil you're comfortable with is really important imo lol but maybe it's just cuz i'm a pencil nerd.
6) try not to let yourself feel guilty for taking an hour or a day or two days off. You'll know when you really deserve it or not.
7) ritualize your PTs down to the letter. Constancy is everything: I put lavender oil on my wrists for relaxation aroma, then put my hair up in a big claw clip. I have crazy long hair, like almost down to my ass. I find it very distracting. I wear the same exact comfortable clothing for every single PT and it's what I'll wear to test day no matter how ratty it may or may not be.
Possibly Crazy/Strict/Interesting tip that worked:
Take two 4 section PTs back to back to get more PTs in with less risk of burning out and strengthen testing endurance. Just move the break from after the third section to between the tests.
Bring perfectly pre-dulled pencils to your test so you can fill in bubbles faster and other slightly sharper pencils for diagramming logic games. Label them to avoid confusion.
Not finding 7sage before my first take.
Applying too late(late December and early January) because I didn't rush my recommender along enough.
Ever using a non-Ticonderoga pencil in my life.
Not practicing my writing sample before my first LSAT. Even if they don't care much, that photocopy of the essay I didn't quite finish will always be in my applicationsapplications on file with the law schools haunting me.
Yeah It took me three minutes to use the bathroom. 45 seconds for another proctor to gather her things, 60 seconds to escort me to the bathroom, stand outside as I’m peeing and another minute peeing and washing my hands. That’s 4-5 LR questions missed.
@goingfor99th said:
Palomino Golden Bears have the perfect eraser and they're stylish as hell.
I’ve never used those but they look cute. Cute name too!! Erasers on the black wings suck though. I can’t lie about that. Pentel is the king of erasers. Are the golden bears what you use mostly?
Did you find your favorite pencils in stores or online? If so, which stores? Thanks! I've bought Ticonderogas before, which I like, and I need to restock and am thinking about some different types as well.
@goingfor99th said:
Palomino Golden Bears have the perfect eraser and they're stylish as hell.
I’ve never used those but they look cute. Cute name too!! Erasers on the black wings suck though. I can’t lie about that. Pentel is the king of erasers. Are the golden bears what you use mostly?
Yeah, I used these! I switched to them from Ticonderogas about 3 months into my preparation. They're not a bad value if you wanna give them a try. :]
@lsatplaylist said:
Did you find your favorite pencils in stores or online? If so, which stores? Thanks! I've bought Ticonderogas before, which I like, and I need to restock and am thinking about some different types as well.
Try a pack of Golden Bears from Amazon. Both the lead and eraser are a bit softer than those on Ticonderogas, which is helpful if you erase much at all like me.
@"Logic Gainz" said:
Avoiding friends like ebola. Keep your social life hombre.
@"Logic Gainz" said:
Avoiding friends like ebola. Keep your social life hombre.
This is a do an don’t. Do have great friends to keep you sane, and friends to hang out with on your free time. Don’t spend too much time with friends during prep. Sounds like mixed messages but friends can be a source of distraction and any lost time cannot be recovered. That lost time comes back as regret later on in the journey. Your friends will understand and still be there. If they aren’t, well, they aren’t your friend. Don’t cut anyone off in the name of studying and focusing though. That’s not the message
@Lsatkayy That's a fair assessment. I found that a good way to approach LSAT prep is to have a predetermined schedule and stick with it. If you put in your calendar to take PTs on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings, tell your friends "no" if they want to go hard on Thursday night or have brunch Saturday morning. However, I NEVER made time for my buddies, and it honestly made prepping for the test a drag because I personally like socializing and having something to look forward to at the end of my day (dinner with a friend, or a nice sober pregame) and not having that reward made studying more cumbersome.
@"Logic Gainz" said: @Lsatkayy That's a fair assessment. I found that a good way to approach LSAT prep is to have a predetermined schedule and stick with it. If you put in your calendar to take PTs on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings, tell your friends "no" if they want to go hard on Thursday night or have brunch Saturday morning. However, I NEVER made time for my buddies, and it honestly made prepping for the test a drag because I personally like socializing and having something to look forward to at the end of my day (dinner with a friend, or a nice sober pregame) and not having that reward made studying more cumbersome.
Regret: applying this cycle all together. I applied late, I rushed my essays, and got the results that show it. I should have waited a year after I got my lsat score. Spent all summer on essays and apps, and submitted right away.
Take 1 or 2 PTs in environments that are not conducive to the actual test day environment. Taking a PT in a coffee shop can force you to focus with greater intensity and drown out loud distractions. When test day comes the small distractions that people around you may be making will be less of an issue if you have practiced in less than desirable environments.
Didn't apply during this cycle, but let me share one regret because it's Monday: not finding 7Sage earlier. I could have saved so much. Thanks a lot, past me.
Especially for those working full time, beware of burn out and don't push yourself too much. Learn your limits. Working too hard can be self-defeating. For me, that meant 1 weeknight off - making sure I did nothing LSAT-related and spent time doing something fun. On the weekends, I did either a PT or BR it, and no other studying. The rest of the day was spent doing something fun and relaxing.
Be organized. Find a studying rhythm that works for you. Ask for help if you need it.
And my regrets about this cycle are very similar to @LSATcantwin. I don't think I could have done it any differently, but I didn't put the time and effort into my essays that were required. I applied late and was rushed in all of it. I wish I would have given myself more time. I ended up with okay but not great results, and decided to push back a cycle. I don't know that I'd say I really regret it, it was definitely a learning experience and I will go into the next cycle better prepared for what's ahead. But it was a tough season for sure.
Regret: Not begin studying for the LSAT earlier (and not finding 7Sage earlier too).
I am living and breathing the LSAT. The first thing I look forward to when I wake up is studying the LSAT. The last thing I before I go to bed is the LSAT. It holds all of my dreams (and crushed dreams). One point can make a huge difference, so I am giving it the very best that I can.
Study tips: Clean up your vicinity and find a place where you can concentrate without any distractions. I did a major spring cleaning just last week where I moved my PC off my desk, vacuumed the room, and made sure everything was clean and tidy before I sat back down. It's made a huge difference. I no longer have large monitors to distract me and the only things on my desk are pretty much LSAT material (except for my Nintendo Switch because I can't put it anywhere else)!
Do not take your first LSAC-administered LSAT until you are ready. You will know when you are ready.
Very important!!!!!
Ditto. This is so important. I regret losing my LSAC virginity before I was ready. Now it's a blight on my LSAT score record.
Don't drink a cup of hot water even an hour before the test on test day. I did that. Was killing the first two sections. I absolutely could not wait until section 3 was over for break cause I was actually starting to feel stomach pain from holding it in. Had to pee so badly, ended up using the bathroom on test day aka LSAT suicide. Canceled my score the very next day.
1) if you're regressing on PTs, take a break from doing them. Just focus on light stuff: drilling games, honing in on hard reading material, etc
2) if you need time off to wait till the next cycle, take it.
3) download the app Forest. You can plant virtual trees whilst not using your phone, which encourages productivity. If you have enough trees in your virtual forest, the company plants a tree in Africa.
4) don't let a bad studying/test day get to you.
5) find the perfect pencil for you. I use US General cedar point pencils for games because I like their scratchy and firmness. I keep four sharpened ones with me: one for each game. For all other sections, I use Palomino Blackwing 602 or Palomino Blackwing Pearl. Finding a pencil you're comfortable with is really important imo lol but maybe it's just cuz i'm a pencil nerd.
6) try not to let yourself feel guilty for taking an hour or a day or two days off. You'll know when you really deserve it or not.
7) ritualize your PTs down to the letter. Constancy is everything: I put lavender oil on my wrists for relaxation aroma, then put my hair up in a big claw clip. I have crazy long hair, like almost down to my ass. I find it very distracting. I wear the same exact comfortable clothing for every single PT and it's what I'll wear to test day no matter how ratty it may or may not be.
8) also, not finding 7sage earlier.
Palomino Golden Bears have the perfect eraser and they're stylish as hell.
Aww man i just got the 7Sage feels. I miss this pencil debate...
Classic Ticonderogas for life!
Black Ticonderoga HB #2's have become my favorite so far.
What's this now?
Possibly Crazy/Strict/Interesting tip that worked:
Take two 4 section PTs back to back to get more PTs in with less risk of burning out and strengthen testing endurance. Just move the break from after the third section to between the tests.
Bring perfectly pre-dulled pencils to your test so you can fill in bubbles faster and other slightly sharper pencils for diagramming logic games. Label them to avoid confusion.
Not finding 7sage before my first take.
Applying too late(late December and early January) because I didn't rush my recommender along enough.
Ever using a non-Ticonderoga pencil in my life.
Not practicing my writing sample before my first LSAT. Even if they don't care much, that photocopy of the essay I didn't quite finish will always be in my applicationsapplications on file with the law schools haunting me.
Going to the bathroom on the break is fine, but if you need to go during one of the first three sections that time is gone forever.
exactly how i feel
Tri-Conderoga black triangular pencils are the best!
I get using the bathroom during the actual test.. but during the day? I mean, that's sorta what the break is for.
Yeah It took me three minutes to use the bathroom. 45 seconds for another proctor to gather her things, 60 seconds to escort me to the bathroom, stand outside as I’m peeing and another minute peeing and washing my hands. That’s 4-5 LR questions missed.
Also I’m sorry but the Ticonderoga family is like the hot-girl-next-door in pencil land. Palominos are in a league of their own. An exotic bombshell.
I’ve never used those but they look cute. Cute name too!! Erasers on the black wings suck though. I can’t lie about that. Pentel is the king of erasers. Are the golden bears what you use mostly?
Did you find your favorite pencils in stores or online? If so, which stores? Thanks! I've bought Ticonderogas before, which I like, and I need to restock and am thinking about some different types as well.
Avoiding friends like ebola. Keep your social life hombre.
Yeah, I used these! I switched to them from Ticonderogas about 3 months into my preparation. They're not a bad value if you wanna give them a try. :]
Try a pack of Golden Bears from Amazon. Both the lead and eraser are a bit softer than those on Ticonderogas, which is helpful if you erase much at all like me.
This is a do an don’t. Do have great friends to keep you sane, and friends to hang out with on your free time. Don’t spend too much time with friends during prep. Sounds like mixed messages but friends can be a source of distraction and any lost time cannot be recovered. That lost time comes back as regret later on in the journey. Your friends will understand and still be there. If they aren’t, well, they aren’t your friend. Don’t cut anyone off in the name of studying and focusing though. That’s not the message
This thread is amazing
Swear for a second I thought you got ebola or something... I get it now lol.
@Lsatkayy That's a fair assessment. I found that a good way to approach LSAT prep is to have a predetermined schedule and stick with it. If you put in your calendar to take PTs on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings, tell your friends "no" if they want to go hard on Thursday night or have brunch Saturday morning. However, I NEVER made time for my buddies, and it honestly made prepping for the test a drag because I personally like socializing and having something to look forward to at the end of my day (dinner with a friend, or a nice sober pregame) and not having that reward made studying more cumbersome.
@Hamaseh_S I don't have ebola, lol. I promise...
Great point