Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Chocolate - 7Sage Forum


Asna ErfanAsna Erfan Alum Member
edited September 2013 in General 4 karma
"Chocolate comes from cocoa
Cocoa is a tree
A tree is a plant
Chocolate is salad"

I just love this argument :)


  • Christian RipleyChristian Ripley Free Trial Member
    edited October 2013 25 karma
    I dream of such a world. Unfortunately the meme's argument is not valid; resulting in the far more unfortunate reality that chocolate is not salad.

    Currently, it looks like this:

    Chocolate ––> Cocoa ––> Tree ––> Plant
    Chocolate ––> Salad

    Don't worry, we can fix the problem.

    What we need is: Plant ––> Salad or / Salad ––> /Plant
  • ga_grantga_grant Free Trial Member
    1 karma
    The real problem with this thing (although I love it!) is that chocolate comes from other things other than cocoa.
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