
kristinatawadroskristinatawadros Free Trial Member
in General 4 karma

Hello. I am interested in taking the LSAT for the third time. For my first time, I did self study. My second time, I had a private tutor, and the for the third time, I would like to know how 7sage would work. I would like to take the November LSAT, so I have about six months. What do you recommend, and what is the course work like? Also, how much study time should be allotted each week for LSAT study? Thanks


  • ZaTablerZaTabler Alum Member
    513 karma

    I would def recommend 7 sage ultimate+. The question bundles have made a huge difference in my score. I would treat it like a full time job for the most part. If you want a high score you have to make sure you're devoting enough time to it.

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