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keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
in General 6050 karma

I just did my first untimed LR section(s) following months of focusing on the LR section of the curriculum and I am honestly stunned. LR was always my weakest even in BR and it feels like I've finally made progress.

I went -5 (-3 BR) and -2 (-1 BR). I used to go at least -7 on one section of LR.

Part of me thinks maybe it's just an analomy or because I'd seen some of the questions before in problem sets or curriculum. I know it's just part of the journey since it's just one data point and doing it timed is a whole other issue but I didn't know who else to share this milestone with but my 7sage family <3


  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    Good progress on cutting half your mistakes

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Good work! What do you think helped you get to this point?

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited May 2018 3072 karma

    Not an anomaly. That's progress. :]

    shots fired

  • jkjohnson1991jkjohnson1991 Alum Member
    edited May 2018 766 karma

    Nice. Currently drilling my LR hard and trying to get down from constant -7 as well. Hard work pays off, congrats!

  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    That's amazing progress!

  • 439 karma

    Nice! something about the taller you get the more fruit become low hanging

    Tell us more about the kind of questions you don't get wrong anymore

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    @lsatplaylist probably BR. I spend so long writing down explanations in my notebook for every question that I'm starting to internalize that reasoning. Also realizing that if I'm stuck between two answer choices that it means I misunderstood something in the stimulus or answer choice so I know to reread it and how to figure it out. I've really internalized the whole "there's only one right answer" so if I'm stuck it means I messed up somewhere.

    @"gerth.brooks" Haha I don't think I have enough time for that. I am better at seeing the traps that I would've fallen for though. I see them and I go "okay you're a trap because you're relying on my assumption about something," especially when it's in contrast to an answer choice that sounds right but isn't flawed. It's more like I think I finally understand what JY and company mean when they say that everything in LR is related. It's not so much question types (although there are types I need to get faster at and get more exposure to difficult q-types) but I know that if I am having a difficult time it means that I misunderstood either the stimulus, AC, or q-type.

    I think skipping really helped. Even though it was untimed I still made to sure to do 25 in 25 and then went for the low-hanging fruit as you said. The questions that I was 70-90% sure about, I went back and re-read the stimulus and AC. Our brains are amazing in the sense that they still keep working in the background when we've moved on so sometimes it's that 30 extra seconds that it takes you to re-read the stimulus and AC and confidently pick one and move on.

  • Simple ManSimple Man Alum Member
    448 karma

    Nice work! LR is my weakest section too. The progress is slow but persistence always pays off! Speed will come with more comprehension.

  • Nabintou-1Nabintou-1 Alum Member
    410 karma

    Currently at a constant -7 as well, -4 BR. Going to give writing down explanations during BR a go. Thank you!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @goingfor99th said:
    Not an anomaly. That's progress. :]

    shots fired


    I went from missing about -5 to -3 or -2 and there wasn't ever much in-between for me. 7Sage really teaches you the various skills you need for all the LR question types.

    There's always going to be a couple points variations on good/bad days, but there is no doubt in my my mind you have made some incredible improvement!


  • sakox010sakox010 Member
    333 karma

    I'm a little confused. You mentioned that you're doing "untimed" LR sections with BR but later said "Even though it was untimed I still made to sure to do 25 in 25 and then went for the low-hanging fruit as you said."

    What exactly are you doing on your first time around before BR?

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    @sakox010 so basically even though it's untimed, I still try to use the habits that I'll need during timed sections. So I make sure to skip when I felt like any more time spent would be wasted. The level of skipping varies, sometimes I've just read the stimulus, others the q-stem, and others after eliminating some answer choice. I treat it as if it were a timed section, and after I've laid my eyes on every question I go back to the questions I've skipped (I used can't get rights classification system). That's where I diverge lightly by going back to questions I'm 80 or 90% confident on and bring up my confidence level on them. Followed by the ones lower than that. The difference is that I don't stop at 35 minutes (but I do keep an eye on time so I know what i would've accomplished if it was timed). But even though it's an untimed section I don't spend more than 5 mins, if that, on a question because it's not BR. Generally on my second or third time around looking at a question, I either know it or don't. Those that I don't know, I know that I've missed something essential that I'll only be able to address's in BR.

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