Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). BR: Timed or Untimed? - 7Sage Forum

BR: Timed or Untimed?

AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member

Hi all! I want to start drilling LR sections (it's my weakest section) before I begin PTing in the next week or so. This is mainly to brush up on question types that I'm having trouble with and to shift from drilling problem sets by question types to taking a shot at testing out my skills on all of the various question types that can be found on the exam.

I started this section before using 7Sage getting 14 correct on average. Now, with the combination of drilling and the CC for any given problem set in total, I miss anywhere between 2 questions (min) to 8 questions (max) depending on the question type. I'm pretty proud of myself for this jump and how quickly I've grasped concepts that were previously so difficult for me to understand. I have tried the problem sets both timed and untimed, but for the time being I have stuck with untimed sessions to drill and understand my weaknesses. When I BR, I always end up selecting the correct answer either prior to the BR or when I change my answer. For those who BR consistently, do you think I should continue to BR untimed sections until I begin PTing, start BRing timed sections now, OR both (untimed for particular question types/ timed for full sections)?

Thanks in advance :)


  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma


    I think it would be a good idea to start BRing timed sections now. I would want to be very comfortable with my skill level when timed to prepare for full PTs. It would also be helpful to BR untimed sections every now and then as a change of pace, although I would put the majority of my efforts toward timed BR in anticipation of full PTs in the future. I would consider doing untimed BR on question types you tend to struggle with, while confirming your mastery of other question types with timed BR.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    How exactly does one blind review an already untimed LR section?

    I think doing sections untimed is a great way to introduce interleaved practice into your routine. Switching between question types on LR sections is an important skill.

    I would, however, continue to work primarily on question type drilling (untimed) until you have solidified those skills to where you can basically nail almost every LR question untimed, for each question type. The best advice for LR I have is to basically drill any weaknesses so much that you're happy to see that particular question type on your next PT.

  • AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member
    786 karma

    @mjmonte17 Thank you for your response and input! I'll start doing this.

    @Alex Thanks for the advice and response! I do this so I can take my time and go through an untimed section to pinpoint whether or not my issue is timing or just not grasping the concepts. And even in untimed sections for question types I have trouble with, I BR because I know for a fact some answers I may have selected out of exhaustion and I just wanted to get it over with. So I just return to double check my answers/ give myself a second chance at answering.

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