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What is the takeaway if Prep Test scores are consistent but Original vs. BR score continues to widen

NGLaw2018NGLaw2018 Alum Member
in General 11 karma

I have taken three prep tests and have the following results:

1 152 - BR 162

2 157 - BR 164

3 157 - BR 169

Clearly the results are encouraging and I am improving. But is there a takeaway to be made if my BR is getting better but my score results didnt between test 2 and 3? I think it means that under pressured time constraints, I seem to perform lower than my potential. Is there anything else that can be deduced? If not, what should I focus on to get better on the initial test. Or does this get solved with more PT and more time? Thanks!


  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    edited June 2018 788 karma

    That all looks promising to me! We all have a range of scores we are likely to hit. It seems to often be +/- 3-5 points. Test 2 might have played to your strengths and been a little inflated, test 3 may have played to weaknesses, or there is just some random variation (maybe you made a silly mistake on test 3 that's not indicative of your understanding). The BR score is going up and there's no reason to think your original score isn't also on an upward trajectory.

  • NGLaw2018NGLaw2018 Alum Member
    11 karma

    Thanks for the insight!

  • testfromawaytestfromaway Alum Member
    280 karma

    You need more data points. Three tests is not enough to say with any certainty what's going on. A high BR score is promising because it indicates that you understand the material when given more time, but again, just three tests isn't enough to clearly see what's happening.

    PT more, BR more, and hopefully you'll keep moving upwards! A BR of the high 160s is super promising :)

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    The improvements in your BR score are a really good trend. They could be increasing because you're minimizing over-confidence errors. What I mean by that is maybe previously you thought that a question was easy but it turned out you had overlooked something and as a result, didn't circle it for BR. You could have realized a pattern in those type of errors and are now more aware of potential traps. The increase could also be attributed to a better grasp on understanding because of solid BR-ing. Either way, it shows solid improvement.

    It's only your first 3 tests. Don't think of it as an accumulation of everything you've covered on the curriculum but as the beginning. Like doing the first three lessons (of many) in the curriculum. Without a section break-down it's hard to give recommendations of how to get your timed score up. Have you foolproofed LG yet?

  • NGLaw2018NGLaw2018 Alum Member
    11 karma

    Thanks - No, i have not fool proofed LG yet. I consistently get -0 on three questions only to be thrown off big time on the hardest one. That is where I continue to focus. RC i have a 75% on most tests so far without BR so I'm thinking that is my strongest section.

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