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What is a sleeve eraser?

I wanna sleepI wanna sleep Member
in General 77 karma

Hi Everyone,

The LSAC rules state that sleeve erasers are not allowed. I never heard of them, and google is not helping me out. I found these

Could you please explain to me what they mean by sleeve erasers?



  • TortsillustratedTortsillustrated Alum Member
    80 karma

    Some art erases, the big white block ones come in a sleeve. Take the eraser out of the sleeve. Here’s an example. My students couldn’t have them when they took standardized tests.

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    I'm guessing that sleeve erasers are any type or eraser that are attached to a sliding mechanism. Maybe they are concerned about students hiding answers inside? Not sure lol

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    Any form of covered eraser. Just bring an uncovered eraser (i.e. rubbery body only).

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