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LG Tracker

in Logic Games 381 karma

Hey guys. I recently got to the Grouping Games section of the CC and am moving through them decently. I'm doing my fool proofing and everything and was just wondering if I should be putting these games that I am doing via the CC into my tracker on excel? I assume I should be in order to keep track of them, but also am wondering if it's hurting me because the 2nd attempt of them, which I do right after is almost guaranteed to at least be 6/7 correct. So I'm really just wondering if I'm cheating myself ultimately by doing this? So one of my main questions is should I be utilizing the tracker mainly once I am done the CC LG sections or begin to do that as I am going through the CC? Thanks


  • cvaldez74cvaldez74 Member
    130 karma

    following because I'm in the same exact spot and wondering the same thing...(so thanks for asking!)

  • 381 karma

    No problem @cvaldez74

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    I think tracking everything in a spreadsheet, to extent that it is efficient to do so, is well worth it. I really wish I did. Toward the end of my studies, it was hard to determine what I did and did not do. Plus, on top of that, it will allow you to further see your progress.

    In LG, I find it particularly worth it because games are something that you do over and over again. It will allow you to better see what you have done and when you did it so that way you can move on faster into quasi-fresh material. Further, if you start with LG, you will get more comfortable when/if you decide to do this for PTs.

  • cdaddario2cdaddario2 Member
    362 karma

    Thanks for this discussion. I am working through LG as well and was wondering the same thing.

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