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ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
in General 905 karma

Hey everyone,I noticed when I time myself doing a section / question I get more concerned about the time then the question itself. If I don’t time it (keep timer nearby but not checking it ) I end up doing it faster and more accurately. Is this common ? Should I just not keep checking the time and develop a good pace ? Also should I bubble in answers after every page ? General timing strategies also appreciated. Thanks


  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    I think it is pretty common. A common mistake is worrying too much about timing. You get faster when you get better. In fact, getting better is sufficient and necessary for improving speed. Speed comes because you know what you are doing and you know what to expect. Most importantly, you know what you are looking for because you have seen so many of these repetitive questions. Make sure you are focusing on improving your skills and habits in order to improve your speed.

    As for general strategies, try to set benchmarks. For me, I would try to be done 10 in 8 minutes, 20 in 18 minutes, and 25 in 26 minutes. Granted, I skipped extremely liberally, like 7 questions in LR. It took me a while to get the ball rolling in LR so a lot of the questions I skipped were prior to number 10. I also had benchmarks in other sections. My RC benchmark was very strict and after 8 minutes a passage I would move on. I wouldn't advise this early, because you should be focused on knowledge. But yeah...benchmarks!

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