Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Confused on a proper study plan? - 7Sage Forum

Confused on a proper study plan?

Nomads PoemNomads Poem Alum Member
edited June 2018 in General 89 karma

Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone can guide me to a proper game plan working toward the September test.

A little back story...
I took a summer class with Blueprint two years ago hoping to take the September 2016 test. However, it ended up not being feasible with all that I was involved with at school so I decided to push it off a year and focused on keeping my GPA up (graduated 3.74).

Despite EVERYONE advising not to take the LSAT unless I'm 100% ready, I took the September 2017 test while I was in Korea dealing with a family situation (too long to desc on here). With about 1.5 months of studying, I ended up with a 160 after a week or two of PTing around 165-168.

Fast forward to this year, I've come back from a year in Korea dealing with the family stuff... pretty ready to tackle the LSAT for September. I took a new diagnostic with June 2007 since I've not touched anything LSAT related after that test and what do you know, a 160 (LR:-12, RC:-8, LG:-3).

So now I'm kind of confused as to where to go from here. I’m planning on studying full time btw. I clearly struggle with RC, and miss many of the difficult questions in LR, but I feel it might be too time consuming to go through the fundamentals again? Would you recommend that I jump into drilling the harder questions or is that essentially a fundamentals issue and I definitely should go through the CC?

My top choice is Columbia, but I'm not even certain it's possible by September. I was just hoping to maximize my chances by applying early but am considering pushing back if I see potential.

Sorry for the super long post, but as you can tell, I'm a little eager to end this LSAT journey and get to law school. If you have ANY advice for someone like me, I'd really appreciate it and it'll really help my anxiety. Thank you for reading this far!


  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    First Name Greatest. Sorry I just had to...

    Don't worry about the date. As you said, take when you're ready. You have already identified your weakness which is most important. As such, I would recommend that you spend most of your time on RC. I drilled every single passage ever over and over again. For right now, don't focus on timed tests focus on your weaknesses. Do single passages, focusing on your habits. Same goes for LR. Drill drill drill.

    Take one PT a week for now (maybe even every other week) then ramp up in late July and early August. There is no point in taking tests until you refine your weaknesses.

    Lastly, backburner LG for now. That is very formulaic and you should be able to refine if you drill.

    Also, don't be afraid to go back to the curriculum if something is giving you trouble.

    Hope this helps!

  • Nomads PoemNomads Poem Alum Member
    89 karma

    @JustDoIt Hah! I was waiting for that.
    Thank you so much for your advice! Also glad to know what I was thinking somewhat matches your thoughts as well...
    I’m going to drill LR and RC this week and see how my PT this weekend goes then. I don’t know why I’m so nervous about everything!

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    @"Last Name Ever" said:
    I don’t know why I’m so nervous about everything!

    I'll tell you what my mom tells me: "What will being nervous do for you?" I know that it is easier said than done but you have nothing to be nervous about. This is an opportunity for you to see where you are and what you need to go to get to where you want to be. That's pretty exciting if you ask me!

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