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Bombed June LSAT!

e_217Case_217Cas Alum Member
in General 59 karma

bummed out! Debating on whether to go through the CC one more time and give it another shot in November. Is it possible to go up 10 -15 points from here to November?


  • skiatook89-1-1skiatook89-1-1 Alum Member
    175 karma

    I am right there with you. I actually had a 2 point drop in June. I am more determined than ever to score well in November - at this point it is a pride issue, lol. It will be my third take and I have decided (and started) to work through the CC again. I am just missing to many of the easier questions and WAY to many on LG so I am going to focus on the fundamentals first. I have read a lot of different opinions on this so can only speak from my perspective but I can already tell a difference in regard to how I am processing the information.

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    Depending on how many points you are missing the usual approach is to look at fundamentals , then move on to advancing your technique then employing timing strategies (adopted from blueprintlsat.com) figure out your areas of weakness , make sure you blind review your pts and remember more pts isn’t always a good thing

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    I’ve seen people move up points in a month , it really depends on the person and where the points are lacking

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    Anything is possible. I know it can be devastating but take time off before getting back into it. Going on a vacation can be refreshing and provide you with the focus you need to get back into the swing of things.

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    Considering you already know the foundational information, 10 points is improbable, but I definitely won't say impossible. Take a week off to shake off the feelings (maybe fear, regret, doubt, etc), then approach the information as if you've never learned it before. If you get 3/5 right on a problem set, great job! You JUST learned it! :) A new mindset can change everything.

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    @"samantha.ashley92" said:
    Considering you already know the foundational information, 10 points is improbable, but I definitely won't say impossible. Take a week off to shake off the feelings (maybe fear, regret, doubt, etc), then approach the information as if you've never learned it before. If you get 3/5 right on a problem set, great job! You JUST learned it! :) A new mindset can change everything.

    Keep up the great posts and comments , I love hearing what you have to say

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    @ebalde1234 aww thank you! I just have some experience with the time crunch lol. I got a concussion right after Thanksgiving, and that's the attitude I had to take when I restarted everything in May. I had literally just finished the entire LR part of the CC and then forgot almost everything. I was really hard on myself, and I realized how much my expectations were affecting me.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    edited July 2018 2689 karma

    Me too hon. I scored 4 points lower than my PT average on the June LSAT. It wound up being the same as my crappiest PT. Ouch. I plan on signing up for November this weekend after I get paid. Basically, I'm just redoing the CC. I think maybe there were some things I missed or that just didn't sink in right the first time. Even with the nerves and time and all, I should have done better. And if I don't get what I need in November, I'll try again next year. This process takes a long time for some people, especially when your plate is full (mine has full-time school, work and family). You have to decide if your dream is worth the effort. Mine is.
    Is 10 points possible? Sure. Don't give yourself an artificial cap. I'm shooting for 6-11 improvement, realistically. And I think it's doable if I put the time in.

  • paulmv.benthempaulmv.benthem Alum Member
    1032 karma

    @e_217Cas said:
    bummed out! Debating on whether to go through the CC one more time and give it another shot in November. Is it possible to go up 10 -15 points from here to November?

    There's a few relevant points that it would be helpful to have some clarification: (1) approximately what was you average going into the June test, and what did you score (roughly, if you don't want to share) ? If you were already scoring around your goal score on PTs, and you saw a 10-15 point drop on your June, then it seems very possible to score in that range. If you're looking to increase 10-15 points on what you're averaging now, then that would be a bit trickier. Also, the range you're looking to get into also has an effect on the ease of increasing your score. Jumping from a 145 to a 155-160 is much easier than jumping from a 160 to 175. If you can provide some clarification, I think the advice you'll get will be more effective! :smiley:

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Was just about to say some of the same things as @"paulmv.benthem" did here. 10-15 points on top of where your PT average is would be tough, but if you truly bombed June, then it might be possible to come up 10-15 from that score. If you feel comfortable sharing some numbers, we might be able to help some.

    If it helps any, I bombed June too ugh. 4 points lower than when I took the test in December, and about 5 points give or take down from my average of recent PTs. Don't know what it was about June that got to me but yuck. It's a crappy feeling. But, you're not alone in being bummed about the outcome of this one!

  • e_217Case_217Cas Alum Member
    59 karma

    Love all the comments!!! Thank you All so much!!! :smile:

  • kelseylc14kelseylc14 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I bummed last year's September LSAT AND the February LSAT with low scores that were very close to each other. I took a break from studying, found an internship and some volunteering opportunities. After I thought I was mentally ready to tackle studying again, I purchased some study material and have been seeing improvements in my overall understanding of the test, LR to be specific. I am glad to read through these comments to see that I am not alone because last night I had a mental breakdown so distracting that I couldn't even study.

    You are not alone!!!!

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