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3 weeks to improve 10+ points (150s -to-> 165)?

Nahua KangNahua Kang Free Trial Member
edited May 2013 in General 4 karma
So I've finished most of the independent sections on 7sage but had not had the chance to take any prep tests under limited time. And I just did a mock test in the afternoon and scored in low 150.
I guess I am not used to time limit so I was a bit nervous, made many mistakes, and left at least 5 questions in each section blank. When I went back and finished the unanswered questions with no time limit the score goes above 160.

I am curious if it is realistic for me to reach 165 if I do 5-6 prep tests per week before June 10th?

Thanks a lot for anyone who shares his/her opinion.


  • Sung Che JoSung Che Jo Free Trial Member
    3 karma
    I personally think its doable, but it also depends on the question types you are getting wrong. If you are mainly getting the games section wrong, it is very easy to achieve a higher score in a relatively shorter period of time, since the games section are the easiest to 'learn' by repetition. However, if it is the RC section, more time should be devoted I think.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    edited May 2013 14289 karma
    @Nahua, while I agree that it's possible, I don't suggest you try to do it by taking 5-6 prep tests per week. Prep tests are highly valuable and scarce resources. I don't think most students can absorb everything a prep test offers in knowledge without devoting serious time to them. That's why Blind Review (BR) takes so long. You shouldn't take more than 2-3 prep tests a week. BR them properly. You'll get way more by BR 1 prep test properly than taking 3 prep tests. Use the ones in the 50s - 60s. Skip around so you don't exhaust all the latest ones in case you need to prep for October.

    What Sung says is also very true. Games are the fastest to pick up.
  • Mark RobinMark Robin Free Trial Member
    40 karma
    I must agree with J.Y, burning through tests really can be very counterproductive. After all what if you did the June test and got a score somewhat less than you need and rebooked a 2nd for Oct - then you wouldn't have any to work with.
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