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Missed Deadline by one day!! Are my chances ruined?

sbennisonsbennison Alum Member
in General 6 karma

I went online to pay for the test today and realized I have missed the deadline for the September exam. I just only decided on pursuing law school two weeks ago and have since begun 7sage curriculum. Is the November test too late to use to apply to Top 50 schools? My GPA is not great (2.8-3.1) but my diagnostic exam had me at a 160 and my most recent had me at a 165. Any advice welcome:) Thank you!


  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    November is not too late if you're applying in the regular admissions cycle (not early).

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    edited July 2018 3279 karma

    Hey I took the December exam and wasn't able to get my applications out until the last week of January. My GPA is a bit higher than yours but still well below the 25th percentile at most schools. I got into a T15.

    Just keep working on the LSAT. Now that you have until November, you've got plenty of time to bring that score up.

    Also you'll still be able to apply ED to many schools if you want to.

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