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September'18 Study Group | Blind Review PT 71 | Thursday, July 26th | 7:30 PM EST
If you took the July test, I highly recommend you take a week off or so from studying
If you are done the curriculum or almost done the curriculum, join us when you can. We welcome people in all stages of prep. The point of the group is to get your lsat nerd on with other like-minded people and make the process more fun. Expand your thinking and learning by interacting with others! For my fellow shy-people, everyone is going to be focused on their own answers/questions that I guarantee you they will not be judging you based on mispronounced words, reading-speed, etc. It's all for fun!
Note: Take the PT under timed conditions; BR to the best of your abilities; join us for all or part of the call! For the purposes of the group please don't check the answers beforehand. If you happen to know the answer, keep it to yourself, and win the argument using your reasoning. Also, please don't go "so I know the answer is C but I don't know why B is wrong?" as the purpose is so that we all collaborate on improving our reasoning skills.
Enter the questions you wish to go over on the spreadsheet below! Write your name beside the question(s) you wish to cover, if the question(s) you want to cover are already marked by someone else, add your name! The more discussion, the merrier.
Tentative Schedule:
September 18 Study Group
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 879-623-125
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
Cisco devices: 879623125@
First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:
Note: I will not be sharing my screen so please have the material in front of you.
@"Beast Mode" @"alyhobbs" @"lsatplaylist" @"wrasschaert" @"xtinextine" @"Emily2122" @"kragdar2000" @"Merp_Merp" @"Shazia..." @"scales_of_j" @"mjmonte17" @"Sarah_39" @"elviozeze23" @"kwdardis" @"PandaRamen" @"Nabintou" @"Nora1995" @"Nefertari" @"Castillo" @"toniafisher1" @"legallyspoonie" @"ajaraya0" @"foxtrot96" @"ML_LSAT_Killa" @LSATSurvivor" @Maritzaa @"ahous001" @LivingThatLSATdream @"Ortiz_44" @"Linda1205" @"juanmapm" @AshleighK @"LauraC120" @"Tongan_Rambo" @"ybao523" @"Kermit750" @"Tortsillustrated" @"alyssamcc0593" @"venalexb" @"L.Etranger" @"tmcdonald03" @AngusMcGillis @"MinnaH." @"surfy surf" @"paulmv.benthem" @Micolash @LastLSAT @KLKuhnnn @ychen1026 @Lilzillaa @vanessacb518 @beeh922 @JenBrooklyn @JD_Davis @jhanco10 @RedNomad @kragdar2000 @AlexRexeger @bcallahan95 @LCMama2017 @"Victoria." @yypc2001 @cgracia12 @ColinTurner610 @Ellie0257 @acevere84 @rpadr007 @TheLSATer @Stanford_Hopeful @T_Sense1 @Fluccci3 @Dacalvert @Sadaf529 @VDH_dee5 @Dacalvert @"Adam Hawks" @vanessaray4 @Gladiator_2017 @gogulky @Mimsquad @BinghamtonDave @twssmith @"chung.rachel.h" @CRLSUUUU @"Sarah J." @neliusg67 @ElleWoods77 @btownsquee @michael_theodore @1percntr @theLSATstruggs @alyssamcc0593 @"Love is Justice" @TChalla @Tonyk215 @leslieh327 @kelly1234 @IntoTheFray @fengx346 @TTurner24 @lost_kub @ILikeCereal @"samantha.ashley92" @"forest.dearing.2017" @Sleepysloth @Cristian-1
Also, if you change your username please let me know so you are tagged & can receive updates
Hey guys, I have found last week I was suffering from some major burnout so I took the week off. I feel much better, but taking the week off and birthday festivities has put me a bit behind. I will have to sit out of this session, but I should be back on track for next weeks session. I want to at least take one more test in the 60s before I jump into the 70s lol. I will take 67 and 71 if anybody still has some stuff they want to discuss. See you guys next week
I guess I have to get moving! Do you know which sections we will be going through?
@ElleWoods77 enjoy
i'm glad you took time off to combat burnout, I might take next week off too.
@"samantha.ashley92" we usually only get through the first LR section.
Thank you!
Thank you for being understanding
. Just wanted to let you guys know you haven't lost me. I was hesitant being so close to September, but honestly it was the best thing I could do for myself. When you can no longer comprehend simple stuff, that is a no no. I definitely recommend it , you deserve it
. Already planned another break just right before test day
@ElleWoods77 If you had put it off it only would've gotten worse...and then you would've gotten closer and CLOSER to the test. Plus, there are other test days, your mental health is most important
Hey everyone! Due to what seems to be widespread burnout and scheduling conflicts, the call for today will be cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience and enjoy the day off (so important to fight burnout)!
@"Beast Mode" @"alyhobbs" @"lsatplaylist" @"wrasschaert" @"xtinextine" @"Emily2122" @"kragdar2000" @"Merp_Merp" @"Shazia..." @"scales_of_j" @"mjmonte17" @"Sarah_39" @"elviozeze23" @"kwdardis" @"PandaRamen" @"Nabintou" @"Nora1995" @"Nefertari" @"Castillo" @"toniafisher1" @"legallyspoonie" @"ajaraya0" @"foxtrot96" @"ML_LSAT_Killa" @LSATSurvivor" @Maritzaa @"ahous001" @LivingThatLSATdream @"Ortiz_44" @"Linda1205" @"juanmapm" @AshleighK @"LauraC120" @"Tongan_Rambo" @"ybao523" @"Kermit750" @"Tortsillustrated" @"alyssamcc0593" @"venalexb" @"L.Etranger" @"tmcdonald03" @AngusMcGillis @"MinnaH." @"surfy surf" @"paulmv.benthem" @Micolash @LastLSAT @KLKuhnnn @ychen1026 @Lilzillaa @vanessacb518 @beeh922 @JenBrooklyn @JD_Davis @jhanco10 @RedNomad @kragdar2000 @AlexRexeger @bcallahan95 @LCMama2017 @"Victoria." @yypc2001 @cgracia12 @ColinTurner610 @Ellie0257 @acevere84 @rpadr007 @TheLSATer @Stanford_Hopeful @T_Sense1 @Fluccci3 @Dacalvert @Sadaf529 @VDH_dee5 @Dacalvert @"Adam Hawks" @vanessaray4 @Gladiator_2017 @gogulky @Mimsquad @BinghamtonDave @"chung.rachel.h" @CRLSUUUU @"Sarah J." @neliusg67 @ElleWoods77 @btownsquee @michael_theodore @1percntr @theLSATstruggs @alyssamcc0593 @"Love is Justice" @TChalla @Tonyk215 @leslieh327 @kelly1234 @IntoTheFray @fengx346 @TTurner24 @lost_kub @ILikeCereal @"samantha.ashley92" @"forest.dearing.2017" @Sleepysloth @Cristian-1 @MarieChloe @HopingforT14
Ok! Thanks for letting us know earlier in the day.
I'm glad everyone is taking some time off. I'm struggling to get back into the groove post vacation and I was afraid I would be the only one with a break in their studies! We got this
Hey @keets993 thanks for letting us know. I am wondering which PT will be used for the next call? Is it PT 71 or PT 75? I am going to begin to take 2 PTs a week and want to give that one high priority. P.S to my September group burnout is a very real phenomenon, please take care of yourselves. The LSAT will always be there
. Get some well deserved rest.
Thank you @keets993, I've been so tired and ultimately burned out from drilling and constant BRs. Going to use today as a rest day
@ElleWoods77 glad you are taking some time off. I had to take off two weeks about a month ago because I just couldn't read one more stimulus. I thought I was done but there was no way I was going to do anymore lsat. Anyway, it worked wonders. I know at this time we don't want to take time off but our mental health needs it. Rest well to you and everyone else feeling the burn out.
@ElleWoods77 I'm forcing myself to not think about anything LSAT related till monday so I'll let everyone know then which one we're doing
Are you doing two timed PT's or spliting one PT into timed drills? I'm going to start doing the latter.
I've been feeling burnt out since Sunday but kept pushing through it telling myself I'd take a few days off starting Friday after this PT but it really caught up to me. It sounds like everyone can relate! So definitely take (at least) a day off
I'm glad I'm not the only one!! I felt really bad missing tonight but I have had so much going on and it's been hard drilling, going back through CC notes, and taking PTs while working. I also get burnt out by my own pressure to study every minute I can after work because we are getting closer and closer to the date but it's tough. The work-life-study balance is no joke. Thankfully though I am going to start studying full-time in August so I will should be able to get back on track attend the calls. Enjoy your break everyone
Thanks @LCMama2017 , you are absolutely right. My burnout got so bad, I couldn't read one stimulus. I started up again this week, and it has helped but now I have to get back into the rhythm. Same to you
@keets993 fair enough . I was thinking of two timed PTs, but the latter sounds like a good idea. Doing too many PTs is a real way to get burned out. I know JY recommends one a week.I am glad you took the time off, you definitely deserve it
Coming from someone who went from working and studying to a full timer, It definitely gets better. Hang in there.
Thank you for letting us know @keets993. Is there going to be another day?. Thank you.
@ElleWoods77, hopefully you will feel better after your time off. I am glad that you recognized and act fast to treated this burnout. That action was very smart.
Thank you @JenBrooklyn
. I have a love have relationship with this test . It is a tough road . Please get some rest if you need it . I believe @keets993 will get to us next week about which session we are doing next . This week is completely cancelled
id like to join this group ! please I am taking the Sept test
@MarieChloe sure thing
thank you
I’d like to join as well!
@HopingforT14 sure thing
If you could add me to the group as well, that would be great!
@devinstelter sure thing! We have our next meeting on Thursday for pt75