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tlathher12tlathher12 Alum Member

Is there anywhere that shows how to negate certain terms. I get confused on how to negate some AC's and cant seem to find any resources on this.


  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Hey there!

    I believe the negation lessons begin here: you will also find drills if you go through :)

    Hope that helps!

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    When in doubt, to negate, put "It is not the case that..." in front of the statement.

    Barkley is a dog.
    Opposite: It is NOT the case that Barkley is a Dog.

    Some rabbits are black.
    It is not the case that some rabbits are black. (if there aren't even some rabbits that are black, then there are no black rabbits)

    Most of Tom's writing is great.
    It is not the case that most of Tom's writing is great. (apparently, at least some of his stories suck -- at least half+1 to be "most").

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