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Music (Jazz)

arabprodigy30arabprodigy30 Alum Member
in General 243 karma
Just curious , while studying do you guys listen to music? (of course not during timed exams)
They seem to make me less stressed during games or do you recommended no music while studying at all ? (sorry if this question sounds totally silly).


  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 3438 karma
    Oh no this is a very relevant question as it has to do with your individual learning style and has been discussed a fair bit in one of the threads on the forum... I don't remember which one but @emli1000 and @jdawg113 probably would as I remember that one or both of them had contributed to that discussion...
  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    No silly questions! I personally didn't listen to music while studying. I figured that all studying should be LSAT like -- in pencil, with an analog watch, and without distractions.

    That said, I do love to listen to Songza's lyricless jazz and classical playlists while working or studying for other stuff. I also know some people like to listen to pump up music before PTs!
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 3438 karma
    I would personally go the @"Allison M" route as you want to be training as close to proper test conditions for this exam as possible. That's just me though... you might find music works for you while studying.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Ive heard others say that while they BR they listen to music. I guess it really depends on you. I've decided that when it gets warm I'll be taking PTs by the pool and/or the park. Just in case on test day there are distractions such as loud noises it won't affect my performance. I know we have to mimic how Test day will be but maybe this will also be helpful in a way. Once I test it out I'll share my experience. Now for your question, maybe try it a couple of times and see how you perform on your next 3 PTs.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 2654 karma
    but yeah I would suggest against it, I mean if you are a type of person that can focus better and retain more with it going on then maybe some lessons you can do it? but drilling is doing questions, which you do on PT's so you want to be able to get in a consistent mindset so when you PT it is just some more regular questions, nothing special. Test day is semi-controlled and there is no music, don't wanna get too used to something you won't have then
  • arabprodigy30arabprodigy30 Alum Member
    243 karma
    Thank you all for your comments. Very helpful!
    Although the music does help me relax, I agree that it is best to make the PT as close to the real exam day as possible.

    Another question though, how many practice tests a week do you recommend ?

    Also, many law schools have told me they are willing to hold my application until they get my June score (in July), should I be worried there will be no seats left and more competition?
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 3438 karma
    Well not that there are going to be no seats ready.... its just that you will be at a substantial disadvantage... earlier is always better as the schools do have rolling admissions and the majority of seats are given out by that time... so for the few that are remaining you need high LSAT scores... higher than you would have earlier in the cycle. Plus a number of people on the wait-lists would have been made offers by that time and God knows where schools will keep you on their priority list if you are not a 170+ scorer. Moreover, you can be guaranteed that except for that one special case somewhere in the law school admission realm who actually gets money, all the scholarship money will be gone. I would personally treat a June score as an awesome chance for the next admissions cycle and have all my applications and documents ready by the time August/September rolls around.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    depends on where you are in your prep. If you can do an untimed and get 170+ I would try to get maybe 2 a week for now, 1 is fine tho this far out. If you are kinda close (lower) to your timed score I would hold off for a little longer and work on getting fundamentals down a bit more.

    I wouldn't focus too much on shooting for this cycle with a June score. If you get admission the money n that would prob not be what you could get if you wait imo
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    As for PTs, what @jdawg113 said is perhaps the most sensible advise that can be given.
  • arabprodigy30arabprodigy30 Alum Member
    edited March 2015 243 karma
    ah okay thanks guys, um yea I doubt with my 144 I would get far :( Sigh
    I just hope I can hit 159-160 by June! I hope my goal is reasonable, many are telling me it is not possible to go up by more than 3 or 4 points !
  • JengibreJengibre Member
    383 karma
    I personally don't listen to music while studying, as to minimize the possible effects of context-dependent memory.
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 2116 karma
    Don't let other people's comment stop your progress. It's very possible to improve 20+ points!

    The funny thing is....I originally had my goal set on 160 but once I improved to that mark, I wanted more and set my eyes on that 170. :P
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    It is most deff possible... I know people who started in 130's and are upper 160's now http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2342/what-are-you-currently-scoring-when-did-you-start-highest-vs-lowest-scores
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 3438 karma
    @SoltanShah don't listen to people... that is utter nonsense... you can achieve your goal and even go well beyond it... no one is (or at least very few people are) born a virtuoso at the LSAT - even people who get really high scores on their diagnostics can improve... this is a test that is learnable and there have been numerous people who have improved by 28 - 29 points. As for people who tell you that it is impossible to go up by more than three to four points... they sound like armchair LSAT experts unless they have some special knowledge about your particular case that is not there with anyone else which makes it near CERTAIN that YOU will not increase more than 3 - 4 points... (i.e. you have exhausted every practice test and your highest score is a 144 and the test is tomorrow - see what I mean?). Forget these armchair predictions and concentrate on your work... do the curriculum, BR the hell out of it, do all the PT's you can and you will likely achieve your goal and maybe even score higher. Best of luck.
  • arabprodigy30arabprodigy30 Alum Member
    243 karma
    Thank you all! So grateful for your kind words! I already learned so much through Sage. I guess people just don't think that is possible ever tried hard enough :) . The force is with me ! I will keep you all updated so I continue to study on.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
  • arabprodigy30arabprodigy30 Alum Member
    243 karma
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