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September'18 Study Group | Blind Review PT 75 | Thursday, August 2nd | 7:30 PM EST
Hope everyone is well rested! I took 4 days off and it was truly magical (yes I was still on 7sage)! If you're feeling burnt out - which is generally a combination of some form of frustration, dissapointment, anger, exhaustion, difficulty doing the most basic stuff - then take a B R E A K! There will always be other official test dates you can take, you can always apply to another cycle and save more money meanwhile.
We will be sticking to the schedule and doing PT 75 this week. If you took PT 71 and really want to discuss it then comment or message me and if there's more than one person, we can set something up
If you are done the curriculum or almost done the curriculum, join us when you can. We welcome people in all stages of prep. The point of the group is to get your lsat nerd on with other like-minded people and make the process more fun. Expand your thinking and learning by interacting with others! For my fellow shy-people, everyone is going to be focused on their own answers/questions that I guarantee you they will not be judging you based on mispronounced words, reading-speed, etc. It's all for fun!
Note: Take the PT under timed conditions; BR to the best of your abilities; join us for all or part of the call! For the purposes of the group please don't check the answers beforehand. If you happen to know the answer, keep it to yourself, and win the argument using your reasoning. Also, please don't go "so I know the answer is C but I don't know why B is wrong?" as the purpose is so that we all collaborate on improving our reasoning skills.
Enter the questions you wish to go over on the spreadsheet below! Write your name beside the question(s) you wish to cover, if the question(s) you want to cover are already marked by someone else, add your name! The more discussion, the merrier.
Tentative Schedule:
September 18 Study Group
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 879-623-125
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
Cisco devices: 879623125@
First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:
Note: I will not be sharing my screen so please have the material in front of you.
@"Beast Mode" @"alyhobbs" @"lsatplaylist" @"wrasschaert" @"xtinextine" @"Emily2122" @"kragdar2000" @"Merp_Merp" @"Shazia..." @"scales_of_j" @"mjmonte17" @"Sarah_39" @"elviozeze23" @"kwdardis" @"PandaRamen" @"Nabintou" @"Nora1995" @"Nefertari" @"Castillo" @"toniafisher1" @"legallyspoonie" @"ajaraya0" @"foxtrot96" @"ML_LSAT_Killa" @LSATSurvivor" @Maritzaa @"ahous001" @LivingThatLSATdream @"Ortiz_44" @"Linda1205" @"juanmapm" @AshleighK @"LauraC120" @"Tongan_Rambo" @"ybao523" @"Kermit750" @"Tortsillustrated" @"alyssamcc0593" @"venalexb" @"L.Etranger" @"tmcdonald03" @AngusMcGillis @"MinnaH." @"surfy surf" @"paulmv.benthem" @Micolash @LastLSAT @KLKuhnnn @ychen1026 @Lilzillaa @vanessacb518 @beeh922 @JenBrooklyn @JD_Davis @jhanco10 @RedNomad @kragdar2000 @AlexRexeger @bcallahan95 @LCMama2017 @"Victoria." @yypc2001 @cgracia12 @ColinTurner610 @Ellie0257 @acevere84 @rpadr007 @TheLSATer @Stanford_Hopeful @T_Sense1 @Fluccci3 @Dacalvert @Sadaf529 @VDH_dee5 @Dacalvert @"Adam Hawks" @vanessaray4 @Gladiator_2017 @gogulky @Mimsquad @BinghamtonDave @"chung.rachel.h" @CRLSUUUU @"Sarah J." @neliusg67 @ElleWoods77 @btownsquee @michael_theodore @1percntr @theLSATstruggs @alyssamcc0593 @"Love is Justice" @TChalla @Tonyk215 @leslieh327 @kelly1234 @IntoTheFray @fengx346 @TTurner24 @lost_kub @ILikeCereal @"samantha.ashley92" @"forest.dearing.2017" @Sleepysloth @Cristian-1 @MarieChloe @HopingforT14 @devinstelter @"Mia Fairweather"
Also, if you change your username please let me know so you are tagged & can receive updates
I'm back and donating sick flows for the fam!
Lol love the gif. @"Adam Hawks" are you shooting to take in Sept. Or Nov.?
@"Adam Hawks" good to have you
Leslie is not taking into account Ann's statements and thus, Leslie's argument is flawed.
Well I moved to a different city in China, and the Asia take will be on October 14. So, I'm a 'tweener. Then probably again in February depending on how this one goes.
Takes for granted that just because she saw the films doesn't mean she likes them. Alternatively Leslie fails to consider that her friend only watched the films because she "made" her.
Bonus points for @alyhobbs and @btownsquee for reading the whole post and answering the question
I'll be there this evening, picked back up my studying in case things aren't exactly where they need to be on my July score. I look forward to reviewing PT 75 with everyone!
@BinghamtonDave happy to have you
I’ll be missing the first 1 hour and a half.
@keets993 can you add me to the September study group?
Sure thing @"Mia Fairweather"