Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). PT 72 killed me - 7Sage Forum

PT 72 killed me

AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member

3 weeks away from the September exam and PT 72 just killed me. Trying really hard to not beat myself up over this and taking it as a learning experience, however this is easier said than done. My RC score was my saving grace and after this PT... I'm just shook.

Any "post L PT trying not to have a meltdown so close to the exam" rituals you guys have?? Please lmao :( <3


  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    One LSAT is a single data point. It has value in that you should review the test AND your test taking processes to identify areas for improvement. However, one score, high or low, does not define you completely.

    Lebron James and Steph Curry miss shots during warm-ups. They still put up big numbers during the game. Trust yourself and your ability.

  • AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member
    786 karma

    @LSAT_Wrecker said:
    One LSAT is a single data point. It has value in that you should review the test AND your test taking processes to identify areas for improvement. However, one score, high or low, does not define you completely.

    Lebron James and Steph Curry miss shots during warm-ups. They still put up big numbers during the game. Trust yourself and your ability.

    I know I'm trying hard to tell myself it's better to see these errors in practice vs. the real day. Just brings you down real quick lol. Also, I'm still hurt from James destroying the big 3 trio. Miami is still salty. Thanks for the encouragement :)

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    edited August 2018 1777 karma

    My LR on PT 72 wasn't exactly my best haha. I went -17. To give you an idea of what that means for me, my diagnostic was -22. I felt like I hadn't made any improvement. However, LG was pretty normal for me (-6). I think that the thing I struggled with most on this PT was the fact that, while taking it, I felt like I was doing better than I really did. My post-"bad score" ritual is taking another PT or section within a few days so that the score I hate isn't my latest attempt. That's really the only way that I can stop obsessing about it. It's really ok, though. Everyone has a few bad PTs.

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    @AshleighK PT 72 was a ridiculously tough exam. Here is a relevant thread where the rest of us were complaining about it lol.


  • AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member
    786 karma

    @"samantha.ashley92" said:
    My LR on PT 72 wasn't exactly my best haha. I went -17. To give you an idea of what that means for me, my diagnostic was -22. I felt like I hadn't made any improvement. However, LG was pretty normal for me (-6). I think that the thing I struggled with most on this PT was the fact that, while taking it, I felt like I was doing better than I really did. My post-"bad score" ritual is taking another PT or section within a few days so that the score I hate isn't my latest attempt. That's really the only way that I can stop obsessing about it. It's really ok, though. Everyone has a few bad PTs.

    For me it was opposite, I did traaaashhhh on the RC. I was at -5 and I got -10 lol like what the hell. I've been taking 2 PTs a week so I'm already planning my next one after I take a day or two to deeply BR this one.

    I scored 3 points lower than my last PT which was my highest PT to date so it was just a bit crushing. It also took me by surprise to see that I did well in LR which was my weakest section.

  • AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member
    786 karma

    @eRetaker said:
    @AshleighK PT 72 was a ridiculously tough exam. Here is a relevant thread where the rest of us were complaining about it lol.


    This makes me feel sooooo much better lol. The curve was -12, right?
    The RC in it was rough and the last LG was weird. I figured out the game board after like 5 minutes but I still couldn't figure out what the hell to do with the pieces. I figured it was like a mini sequencing game in a sequencing game but it just stumped me.

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    I thought PT 72+ was when the LR and RC both changed into "most strongly supported" types of questions which made things very difficult. Every section went terribly for me on that PT, sooo I personally thought it deserved at least a -15 curve lol.

  • ChandymenChandymen Alum Member
    119 karma

    I also just bombed 72. I think there is a pretty good consensus among people that 72 is one of the hardest PT's ever written so that made me feel a little bit better!

  • ChandymenChandymen Alum Member
    119 karma

    p.s. I dropped 5 points.

  • AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member
    786 karma

    @Chandymen said:
    p.s. I dropped 5 points.

    I went down 3 and it was just a slap in the face because I was getting closer to my goal :( but yeah it's made me feel a lot better too. I'm BRing it now and there's still a few questions I got wrong even on BR for RC which is really strange for me. I read somewhere that difficult PTs should be taken as a huge learning experience and it'll be worth it when you come across "easier" PTs.

    Hope your studying and BR gives you some gains to takeaway!

  • AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member
    786 karma

    @eRetaker said:
    I thought PT 72+ was when the LR and RC both changed into "most strongly supported" types of questions which made things very difficult. Every section went terribly for me on that PT, sooo I personally thought it deserved at least a -15 curve lol.

    LOL if only things could be that way. I really noticed a dip in my RC scores since I started breaking into the 70s. So much attention to subtle assumptions and details. The LR felt kinda weird too, things weren't "as clear" and it was difficult for me to even come up with pre-phrases. Such a weird feeling to go through. Rather have these experiences now than on test day though!

  • mynameisjeffmynameisjeff Member
    519 karma

    Yes, PT 72, I found very difficult.

    Don't be to hard on yourself.

    I'm also taking the LSAT in Sept. Finish BR, realize what you did wrong and move on.
    It's just one PT out of many that you took. Everything will be okay

    Give yourself a little break, don't stress over it. Take a break today, turn on some netflix and relax.

    You'll be fine!

  • AshleighKAshleighK Alum Member
    786 karma

    @TTurner24 said:
    Yes, PT 72, I found very difficult.

    Don't be to hard on yourself.

    I'm also taking the LSAT in Sept. Finish BR, realize what you did wrong and move on.
    It's just one PT out of many that you took. Everything will be okay

    Give yourself a little break, don't stress over it. Take a break today, turn on some netflix and relax.

    You'll be fine!

    <3 <3 Really needed to hear that. After I took the PT I took the loooongest shower ever and contemplated my life lmfaoooo. I just finished BRing RC and I think I'm gonna call it a day. Best of luck in September, hopefully none of us have to retake :blush:

  • Madssssss L.Madssssss L. Alum Member
    124 karma

    Months later seeing this and feeling better that I'm not the only one getting ruined by 72. -10 on my average score-- disgusting drop. BR and on to the next one. It's moments like this that I really appreciate the 7Sage community (is that said? lol).

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    1058 karma

    Same here. 4 points lower than both PT 71 and 73 and 6 points lower than PT 79. I got severely toasted in the first LR section. And of course the transfer game screwed me hard too.

  • 50 karma

    Normally high 160s, got 157 on PT72

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