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Hey everyone, I’ve been MIA the past couple months. I took not getting into any school pretty hard and had to do a lot of re-evaluation of my life. I took on a second job and have been working 70 hour weeks.
Today, however, I got an e-mail from Northwestern School of Law offering me a spot off of their waitlist. I accepted the spot and will be flying out to a Chicago within a week to start my 1L year at NU.
I had to come back to 7Sage to express my deepest thanks to everyone in this community. From JY, to @"Cant Get Right" to every single person I worked with through this process on the forums, thank you so much for everything you have done to make my dream of attending a T-14 Law School come true.
For everyone out there still struggling and climbing that mountain, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. If you work full-time you can make your dreams come true. If you have a bad gpa, you don’t have work experience, or you are struggling with the LSAT, push through. Your hard work WILL PAY OFF. Do not listen to the plethora of naysayers that will haunt you along the way. Stay positive, stay motivated and keep your goal in sight. I promise you if you do that, and never give up, you will eventually be where you want to be.
I can’t describe how much this community means to me, and even in my absence I’ve still thought about each and every one of you. Again thank you 7Sage from the bottom of my heart.
Congrats! Mind sharing stats in private message? When'd you apply?
Love these posts. Congrats! Funny you posted these motivating words, I've been beating myself up the last few days and wanted to give up. Best of luck to you!
I’m an open book about it:
171 LSAT
2.83 cGPA
Military vet/10 years work experience
I applied mid-January
@LSATcantwin lol you again! Just asked you the same question on Reddit. I'm really happy for you and you deserve it =]
Shushhh don’t give me away
Congratulations!!!!!!! You deserve it! You've given back so much to this community and I wish you the best of luck in Chicago!!
I've reread some of your posts when I've been very stressed out about studying and they have helped so much. I'm so happy things worked out for you.
OH GOSH, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Was wondering where you disappeared from the forum.
That's big! So incredibly happy for ya! I hope you the time you spend celebrating is victory is directly proportional to the effort/perseverance/sweat/tears that's gone into this entire process.
I could cry! Congrats!!! I randomly thought of you during the UCI webinar, and hoped you had heard back from a school. You’ve given so much of your self to this community, and it has definitely been better for it.
Congrats! Genuinely happy for you. You definitely earned it.
Edit: woah, so you're the guy with the flair (if you know what I mean). all this time I hadn't realized
I have kept up with your posts and this makes me incredibly happy . Congrats
, you deserve it .
What’s a flair
Congratulations!! I really needed to read those words of encouragement. Best wishes to you!!
Yay! Huge congrats! You deserve it and I'm so happy for you!
Congrats! Hope Chicago treats you well!
Congrats! You deserve this!
Congrats!!!!! So happy for you!!
Incredibly happy to hear it all worked out, brother!! Thank you for everything & be sure to keep in touch!!
Congratulations- that is so great! Thank you for the inspiring story for all of us studying rn! Best of luck at Northwestern!
Congratulations and good luck. Come back and let us know how it goes.
Congratulations and thank you for words of encouragement! Good luck with everything
Yaaaay that's super inspiring to hear! Congrats(:
Great work!
congrats! when does law school there officially start? yours is one of the best stories told on this forum for sure!
Starts Monday morning haha....and I am still in Cali...
It's going to be interesting, I need to quit two jobs and fly out to Chicago asap...
Congrats !
I agree with Dave! Wow, what a wild ride it has been for you. I'm so happy of the final result. Do great things in Chicago!
So happy for you man!! Congrats!
Always was hoping the best for you man, you made a big impact on the forums and i'm sure you will have a bigger one at Northwestern. You deserve this
congrats! thanks for all the advice!
Congratulations!!! And what a crazy (though not unheard of) last minute decision on their part. I hope this week leading up to the start of classes isn't too hectic. And this also gives me and others some hope to have hope until the very last minute.
@LSATcantwin I seriously had tears in my eyes reading your post. I had been wondering about you recently but didn't want to bother you. This is such wonderful news!! I am just so crazy happy that you got off one of the waitlists!!
I will always miss your very inspiring posts - for those of us with low GPAs you will live on in infamy! Thank you for being a part of this community and never giving up!! I hope you come back and tell us about your adventure.
Holy cow, you are starting school in four days!!!!! YEAH!!!!!

Dude, yes!!!!! Finally! You deserve it and have earned this spot since day uno. Lots of luck man, please come back and remember us still working for your dream come true!!!
From 2.83 to call it a come back!! Congrats, you deserve it!!
That is so awesome! Congrats!!! Your story is incredibly inspirational! You're going to crush it!!!
@KLGMK550 thought this might help ease your worries
So glad to hear this. Thanks for mentioning it and very happy for you.
Northwestern just gained a great future lawyer! Congrats!
Congrats! It's encouraging to see a veteran gain entrance to a T14!
So good to hear about your's really inspiring! I have 4 years military experience but will have 5 by the time I apply and have an almost identical GPA....Now I just need to get an amazing LSAT score like you! I've been so discouraged by my low GPA (I was an English major but had to take calc and physics for my ROTC scholarship which ruined my good GPA), but it definitely makes me feel better hearing about someone in a similar situation getting into a T14 school! I myself have my sights on University of Michigan!
Congrats again!!
I'm so happy for you. Have been very inspired by your resilience and determination.
This is so inspiring. I am so happy for you!!! congratulations! I honestly got the chills reading this & am so encouraged by this post. Thank you so much for sharing.
Congrats! Your posts have been a huge inspiration to me and I'm so happy to see this!
Wow, this was a huge response. I’m not crying, you guys are.
@keets993 I hope everything is going well in your Br calls and in your studying! Don’t give up.
@AshleighK I’m glad to have helped. I used to post motivational stuff allllll the time. Dig through my post history if you ever need encouragement!
@btownsquee glad to help
it may seem like a lot sometimes, but I promise you can get past it.
@NotMyName thank you!
@thisissparta you’re next right? 100% you got this!
@"Habeas Porpoise" thank you!!
@Kermit750 thank you! Don’t give up, you absolutely got this too! (UCI is such a good school)
@ElleWoods77 I know! I have seen you around. I am also 100% positive you will meet and exceed your goals. Keep your head up!
@brizzle525 hey! Look through my post history. If you ever need more encouragement I have a ton of posts just for motivation!
@"David.Busis" good lord. I can’t even express what your team has done for me. I’m not going to even try in this post. It deserves it’s own separate post to do it justice. Thank you.
@eRetaker thank you! (I had 3 retakes before my 171) keep pushing through!
@akistotle you. Yeah you, meme queen. Thank you for EVERYTHING you have done for me and 7Sage.
@"Testing..." thank you so much!
@Alex dude. You’ll be in Columba or better. Remember me when you are flying with the stars my man. Thank you so much for everything.
@25Seamus thank you so much. Good luck!
@LSAT_Wrecker I don’t plan on abandoning you guys! I just needed some time to refocus
I’ll be around.
@"Beast Mode" thank you!!
@MarClaAve thank you so much!!
@BinghamtonDave my man. Thank you for the kind words and everything you have done and continue to do for this community. You are an asset!
@Sprinkles thank you!! Keep being awesome and your success is ensured!
@JustDoIt wait? Don’t you go to HARVARD.
you did it better than I could ever do!
@Ohnoeshalpme this forum is a great place,it’s the entire community not just me! Good luck and keep on keeping on!
@FlashLSAT no problem! I try my best even when I’m my busiest! Keep motivated!
@unicornia thank you so much! It is deff stressful but it’s the best kind!
hey! I didn’t forget about you! You absolutely can do the same. Keep your motivation high and your head higher. Your work will pay off I promise!!
@OverRatedUnderAchiever I could never leave if forget you guys. This place is like family lol I gotcha! Keep your head up!
@Nov2018Taker every obstacle I had I created, it was a comeback against myself! I did it though
@akeegs92 you got this too!! Thank you!
@lsatplaylist any time
@tringo335 hey hey hey! How’s the parent life?! How’s the studying?! You’ll crush it. Head up and march forward!!
@ChaimtheGreat thank you!!
@mjmonte17 it’s possible for anyone!! Hard work and motivation
Congrats!!!! I am so happy for you!
@rowleyml you got this, plus the GI bill is clutch.
@fambam24 thank you! I am always glad to help!
@Ellie0257 thank you! I’m glad I could help!!
@btate87 any time