PT4.S4.Q5 - Most parents who are generous are good

srosen0630srosen0630 Alum Member
edited August 2018 in Logical Reasoning 8 karma

I am quite confused why number 5 is D. D and C seem almost identical in pattern, what makes D more right?

Admin note: Please use the format "PTx.Sx.Qx - The beginning of the stimulus" and indicate which section it's from.


  • xenonhexafluoroxenonhexafluoro Alum Member
    428 karma

    Are you referring to the good parents question in section 4?

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited August 2018 9382 karma


    • Generous parents -m→ Good parents
    • Self-centered parents ←s→ Good parents
    • Good parents → Good listeners

    From above, we know that the following must be true:

    • Generous parents -m→ Good listeners
    • Self-centered parents ←s→ Good listeners

    The second one is the answer choice (D).

    (C) and (D) are not similar at all. What (C) says is [Parents who are good listeners] -m→ [Generous]. We don't know anything about parents who are good listeners.

    I think you should review "Validity and Must Be True Questions" in the Core Curriculum. :smile:

  • moonstars5678moonstars5678 Member
    166 karma

    @akistotle: Following up on this - If we use A and B, then "some" is interchangeable (aka A some B and B some A is the same), whereas A most B is different from B most A?


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