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On Thursday, September 20, at 9 p.m. ET, I’ll walk you through the factors that affect your chances of admission. Afterwards, members of the 7Sage admissions team will field questions.
We’ll select one attendee for a free Edit Once.
You’ll have to register for this webinar in advance.
→ Please register for the webinar (Sep 20, 2018 9:00 PM Eastern Time) here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar.
Zoom might prompt you to download something before you can join the webinar, so I’d advise you to show up a bit early on Thursday.
Woo! Excited for this one, thanks David!
Is this webinar similar to the Admissions Webinar earlier this summer? Learned a lot with that one.
@"aviated.wings" Yes. I'm going to give a similar presentation.
Thank you!
Best of luck to everyone during this upcoming admission cycle!!
Apply to a school that is more of a safety first. Its helpful to understand what things will look like a while in advance before you start trying to polish your materials.
I think one solid piece of advice I reflected upon from David’s presentation is to apply as early as you can to increase your admission chances! When you apply earlier there are more spots in an incoming class, which helps slightly increase your admission chances! September-November are great times to apply, and December can be good too. Jan and Feb are a little later in the cycle. Along with this, it’s definitely better to choose to take a later LSAT (like November for example) and work to get a higher score, rather than submit an application earlier with a lower score, if you have the ability to. Usually you can determine when would be the best time to apply based on your UGPA and LSAT score. If you’re numbers are below the medians, or if you feel like your application is not the strongest, then it’ll be more advantageous to wait because every additional point, can help your chances to be admitted! Good luck this cycle!
Apply early, and kill it!
Hi David! Thank you so much for the advice and general encouragement for applying to law school! Your guidance in the process is so helpful! For everyone applying to law school, you are working so hard to pursue your dreams. Keep going, life is going to throw you obstacles (from every direction sometimes) but you are meant to be there and will make it happen!!
Good luck everyone!
your LSAT score matters most. so if it's between applying a few weeks early and re-taking the LSAT in November to raise your score a few points, it's worth it to re-take!
I have realized that no matter how you're feeling day to day about your studying, never give up! Keep studying, taking test, practicing all you can and believe all of your hard work will pay off. Also, take the admissions course because David's essays really help in writing your own.
Seize the day... After coffee!
Keep killing the game everyone!
Apply to your dream school. Be confident, specific, and memorable! Good luck to everyone!
Even a one point boost can make a greater difference than merely applying early with a lower score! (Great webinar tonight)
Don't get overwhelmed, and don't overwhelm yourself mentally. Be sure to take breaks, and have hobbies. Find contentment and happiness in routine, hardwork, and slow, systematic growth. Wish you the best of luck.
Good luck guys! You can do this! Just take it one step at a time
Just got off the webinar... great advise overall! ... Just FYI, I've now been to two school tours that have outright stated that they don't look at the LSAT writing sample at all... though I am not sure to fully trust them / hold them to it and anyone that hasn't taken the LSAT yet, make sure you don't at least skip the thing
... though don't spend too much time on studying for it... those are my bits of info/advise.
Hi everyone! My advice for the LSAT is practice makes perfect! Practice until all the techniques are intuitive and second-nature to you. I did a prep test every day for a whole month (30 in total), and my score improved by a lot, especially the logic games section! I hope everyone finds this useful!
Apply early!
we have all worked really hard. lets finish out this application season strong! we got this. lets all try to apply as early as possible and stay positive.
Strive for progress, not perfection.
Even if you're not making that 15 point jump right away, it's important to keep moving forward. Don't be discouraged. Even if your progress is gradual (as it tends to be with the LSAT), any progress is better than no progress.
Be thoughtful when crafting your personal statement and overall “package.” Rest in the fact that you will do your best, and do not be discouraged. Best of luck!
If you're in a similar situation like me and have a lower than expected UGPA but have an overall upwards trend throughout your years of university, make sure you make a note of that in your application. You can also write an addendum explaining your GPA and emphasizing that whatever caused you to attain the low grades will not happen again! Good Luck everyone, keep your head up!
I was worried that I was too late to apply after taking my first LSAT in November.
It's never too late to buckle down!
Great Webinar (despite the hiccups) - best tidbit of advice is apply as early as possible! October is the magic month but November and December are still good times to apply. January is still okay, but February and later you may want to consider applying next year.
Something that was great to hear about was how to write a good GPA addendum and when you should do it. The discussion actually showed me that I would be a good candidate to write one for pertaining to my undergrad. The key take away is to be specific and use numbers!
Webinar is so helpful!! Good luck everyone:)
Put your all into the LSAT, polish your personal statements and applications as much as possible, and submit your law school applications with the knowledge that you really gave it your best effort! And remember, admissions decisions do not define you & you can always apply again if you so choose!
Webinar was great! Power through everyone!!! Our hard work will pay off!
Thank you again, David!
Advice: even increase your score by just one point and this could actually be more significant than applying a month earlier.
To everyone applying know that you are amazing and the fact that you are spending your time studying and working on the application and attending this webinar is really a reflection of your dedication. You got this!
Lesson learned: Keep going with your studying and don't be afraid to delay if you don't feel ready! Getting the highest score is what matters most.
Apply as early as you can without compromising your LSAT score!
A very valuable piece of advice I learned from this webinar is that rushing into an early application is not the gateway to success! Thoughtfulness in personal statement, recommendations, and most importantly the best LSAT score you can achieve will be the highest predictors of success.
Craft your personal statement as a narrative. Good luck!
Going to "Admissions Events" held at law schools to which I am applying, helped me put things in perspective and get inspired while preparing my application packet. Good luck everyone!
The best piece of advice I got out of David's presentation is that every single LSAT point matters. Study, study, study and DON'T QUIT until you have the score you need to get into your dream school!
If you are certain about a school that you want to go to consider applying for early decision. It can boost your chances of getting in and even sometimes help you qualify for a specific scholarship. Good luck everyone!!
Take the time to do this right! A few extra months to perfect your personal statement or an extra year of studying to increase your LSAT score will pay dividends in the long run.
Enjoyed the webinar! It was interesting to see how the essays and other pieces of the application affect students the most when they are closer to the medians. This provides some great motivation to try and "write yourself in" at target schools.
Perseverance is the secret to all triumphs!!!
David gave me solid advice about writing a good GPA addendum and what not to write about. Also get rid of the anxiety if you have a lower GPA. I try to to remind myself of this everyday. Good luck to everyone who is writing the November 17th LSAT!!!
Shout out to all the older applicants applying who have been out of school for a while. From what I hear, since law schools median ages are around 24, being older can help you stand out especially if your experiences since school relate. Good luck.
Thank you so much for the webinar, David! It was very helpful! Good luck everyone!!
EDIT: Something I learned from the webinar is that if you're going to write an addendum, make sure you explain why whatever caused the need for an addendum in the first place will no longer be an issue. Reassure them that you've learned from your mistakes!
p.s. this may be for someone in the future after applications are submitted; however, DO NOT TAKE YOURSELF OFF THE WAITLIST unless you are sure you do not want to go to that school! It can be be a long process but it's worth it if you get in where you want!
Remember that soft facts matter most when it's a toss up!
Good luck to all those applying this cycle and to those studying for the next cycle. We got this!
Word of advice: You still have time. Just because you're 28, or 30, or 40, or even 50, take your time, do it right, and don't settle for less because of "time". Get the best deal or the best school you can! It's worth it.
The 80/20 quant/qual rule seems to be true, so the strength of your softs/qualitative factors matters most when you're 50-50 in your chances! So when you're more of a toss up, make sure your essays, resume, and PS are crisp so that they give you a better shot!
I wrote what I thought was an amazing personal statement, but after comparing it with the notes in the admissions course, I realized it didn't have a story, and I didn't show I learned anything. It took me days to just let go since I loved it; I just had to erasing the whole thing, and try again. THAT'S OK! I realized just the process of writing things out is valuable for its own sake, and even if nothing remains from that first draft, you have learned something from it and can write an even better one thanks to that process.