Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). You'll be starting law school at what age? - 7Sage Forum

You'll be starting law school at what age?

I'm still debating if to apply this cycle or wait for next, as I'm currently straight out of undergrad and am starting an awesome new job!

How old will you be when starting law school? How many years of work experience will you have by then? :)



  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    If all goes well in November I’ll be 24! There are so many great reasons to take a year off. Aside from having more time to maximize your score, you will grow and mature as a person.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    29 with about 11 years of work experience :)

    I have already started though...

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    29 :) 13 years of work experience, and full time for the last 10 years.

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    I will be 20 years old if everything goes per plan. I have about 3 years of experience.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    35 haha. 13 years of full time post-college work experience. :) Old timer.

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    47 years old assuming I start next fall, 25 years active duty military, 3 years of full time volunteering.

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    I will be 24, 5 years working experience.

  • JPJ July2021JPJ July2021 Core Member
    1532 karma

    23, K-JD

  • Tatyana L.Tatyana L. Alum Member
    244 karma

    38 years with 15 years of experience that has absolutely nothing to do with law. But despite having less freedom because I have family obligations, I feel like I just got to an age where I can do law school right and focus on learning and not just the piece of paper at the end.

  • ChaimtheGreatChaimtheGreat Alum Member 🍌🍌
    edited September 2018 1277 karma

    21 KJD- though with slightly unusual softs.

  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    edited September 2018 389 karma

    25 (fingers crossed) and 4 years of work experience (academic and administrative, but not law-related)

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    Oh gosh... I don't think I can say! Ooooollllddd

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @"Tim Hortons" said:
    25 (fingers crossed) and 4 years of work experience (academic and administrative, but not law-related)

    I loved being 25

  • Redentore3337Redentore3337 Alum Member
    350 karma


  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma


  • OneFortyDotSixOneFortyDotSix Alum Member
    edited September 2018 634 karma

    I'll be 30! or 31? Depends on how this cycle plays out lol. Having a career before you go isn't the worst thing. I feel like it would be harder to make the jump into being "something else" after you've specialized as a lawyer than to it would be to become a lawyer after you've worked for a few years as that something else. Law schools fortunately take people from all sorts of professional backgrounds, unlike many professions that look for specific education or prior experience when hiring.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I’ll be twenty two with two years of full time “real” (I.e. career-y) experience. Not quite K-JD but almost :-)

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma

    Late 20s, 4 years of WE

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    edited September 2018 1694 karma

    I'll be 26. 3.5 years of work experience. On a side note, how are some of you guys under thirty but have 10+ years of work experience?

    @LSATcantwin said:
    @drbrown2 said:

  • MindyKaleMindyKale Alum Member
    350 karma

    If all goes well I'll be 28 with 5-6years of experience and a graduate degree. Nice to see a good range of people here. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER <3

  • Brian_LSATBrian_LSAT Yearly Member
    232 karma

    I will be 36, 14 years out of college with a variety of work experience having nothing to do with the law. I teach high school and my future classmates will be much closer in age to my students than to me. Awkward...

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @Bamboosprout said:
    I'll be 26. 3.5 years of work experience. On a side note, how are some of you guys under thirty but have 10+ years of work experience?

    @LSATcantwin said:
    @drbrown2 said:

    I started work when I graduated HS at 18 and the work was uninterrupted. 18+11 = 29!

  • SLP_futureJDSLP_futureJD Alum Member
    464 karma

    I'll be 30. 4 yrs work experience + a Master's degree.

  • PeaceofmindPeaceofmind Alum Member
    edited September 2018 446 karma

    Will be 29. A master degree and 2.5 yr experience as a mommy :D

  • tyson7776tyson7776 Alum Member
    19 karma

    If all went well on the LSAT a few weeks ago, then hopefully I will be 20 when I actually start, otherwise I'll take a year or two to get some more work experience in and to have another chance to study the LSAT, making me 21 or 22 when I start.

  • okcomputer619okcomputer619 Alum Member
    edited September 2018 68 karma
    1. Four years work experience in the law field I eventually want to practice in. I already have a job here once I become an attorney :)
  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    I'll be 22 k-jd. Definitely feel at a disadvantage to the folks who have real work/life experience

  • jessicamariejames118jessicamariejames118 Alum Member
    9 karma

    If all goes according to planned, I will be starting fall 2019 and will be 25. I got a Masters after my undergraduate degree and have worked at a nonprofit for a year and a half.

  • JK_fish92JK_fish92 Alum Member
    175 karma

    26 or 27, depending if I start in January or not. Worked off and on all through out high school and college, and have 4 years of experience running a business I started. Short internship at a law firm last year, all my other work was not law related.

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @Bamboosprout said:
    I'll be 26. 3.5 years of work experience. On a side note, how are some of you guys under thirty but have 10+ years of work experience?

    @LSATcantwin said:
    @drbrown2 said:

    I started work when I graduated HS at 18 and the work was uninterrupted. 18+11 = 29!

    Woah. That sounds tough. I forget what you worked in. Were you in the forces?

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @Bamboosprout said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @Bamboosprout said:
    I'll be 26. 3.5 years of work experience. On a side note, how are some of you guys under thirty but have 10+ years of work experience?

    @LSATcantwin said:
    @drbrown2 said:

    I started work when I graduated HS at 18 and the work was uninterrupted. 18+11 = 29!

    Woah. That sounds tough. I forget what you worked in. Were you in the forces?

    Panera for 1 years, Best Buy for 5, Marine Corps for 4, 9th Circuit Court for 1 year.

    Law firm too sprinkled in lol

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    @Bamboosprout said:
    I'll be 26. 3.5 years of work experience. On a side note, how are some of you guys under thirty but have 10+ years of work experience?

    @LSATcantwin said:
    @drbrown2 said:

    I've been working since I was 16. My high school jobs were not full time during Baseball and Basketball season, but I worked full time from 18 until now in various administrative, service, and management positions. Although I wish I had not taken a 5 year break in the middle of undergrad, I am better at time management here in my late twenties than I was as a freshman in college ;)

  • Sarri BallSarri Ball Alum Member
    74 karma


  • 24 when I start next fall!

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    @drbrown2 said:

    @Bamboosprout said:
    I'll be 26. 3.5 years of work experience. On a side note, how are some of you guys under thirty but have 10+ years of work experience?

    @LSATcantwin said:
    @drbrown2 said:

    I've been working since I was 16. My high school jobs were not full time during Baseball and Basketball season, but I worked full time from 18 until now in various administrative, service, and management positions. Although I wish I had not taken a 5 year break in the middle of undergrad, I am better at time management here in my late twenties than I was as a freshman in college ;)

    Ahhhh, wow, I see. I definitely feel the same way with regards to time management skills. Hahaha

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @Bamboosprout said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @Bamboosprout said:
    I'll be 26. 3.5 years of work experience. On a side note, how are some of you guys under thirty but have 10+ years of work experience?

    @LSATcantwin said:
    @drbrown2 said:

    I started work when I graduated HS at 18 and the work was uninterrupted. 18+11 = 29!

    Woah. That sounds tough. I forget what you worked in. Were you in the forces?

    Panera for 1 years, Best Buy for 5, Marine Corps for 4, 9th Circuit Court for 1 year.

    Law firm too sprinkled in lol

    Ahhh, that's right. Lol. A motley story for a colourful application. Glad to see you around still. Good luck!

  • Raychul123Raychul123 Member
    179 karma

    23! Worked 25-30 hours per week since my sophomore year of HS.

    335 karma

    24! :( Ah, to be 21 again....

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    26/27 with 3 years work exp.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Hopefully i’ll be just about to turn 24 and i’ll have...6 years of work experience

  • akrieglerakriegler Alum Member
    245 karma

    24 with 9 years work experience. My only legal experience was an internship last fall.

  • Chipster StudyChipster Study Yearly Member
    893 karma

    64 with careers in Engineering and medicine as a trauma surgeon.

  • Danielle CDanielle C Member
    32 karma

    I am soooo glad to see some older students here. I will be 41 when I start law school and it is comforting to know that others will be older students. I spent 10 years in the military and the last 5 working as a volunteer teacher in the Dominican Republic. I always wanted to law school but I felt I wasn't ready...that I needed to do other things first. I am very grateful that I had that time, it has really given me a broader perspective and understanding of the world and people.

    But I am also grateful to the younger students who can offer a perspective of a generation I am not as connected to...the broader the perspective the better we all learn and the better prepared for real world law practice we will be.

  • cdaddario2cdaddario2 Member
    362 karma

    50, 23 years running my own company and years of volunteer work.

  • Late Not NeverLate Not Never Alum Member
    56 karma

    49 with 8 years of corporate experience followed by 20 years of running my own business and 2 years of grad school. Variety is the spice of life!!

  • aod40050aod40050 Alum Member
    30 karma

    29! With ten years of work experience. My only legal experience was an internship a few summers ago

  • cgracia12cgracia12 Alum Member
    edited September 2018 737 karma

    29! Graduated at 23 with a Masters, I’ve been a bilingual teacher since then!

    I’ll miss my kids, the summers and all the weekends and holidays off. I’ve even contemplated doing law since the pay system in Dallas is actually really good and almost comparable to a starting salary out of law school (minus t15 schools) if you perform well.

    But I’d hate myself for giving up on law school and not doing what I’m most passionate about.

    Also, I’m honestly really eager to learn and gain new knowledge this time. My attitude was much different in undergrad and grad school.

  • jkjohnson1991jkjohnson1991 Alum Member
    766 karma

    28, unless my score isn't where I would like it to be then I will push it back a year.

  • alyssamcc0593alyssamcc0593 Alum Member
    290 karma

    26, with 3 years of work experience as a Financial Analyst, also a Master's Degree in Finance. Glad to see older people. I thought I would feel out of place with a lot of 22 year olds around.

  • slothmankingslothmanking Alum Member
    73 karma

    Assuming this next cycle goes well, I’ll be starting in the Fall of 2020 one month before my 34th b-day.

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