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Advice for test taking

Ezlov180Ezlov180 Alum Member
in General 16 karma

I am using a logic game practice book from kaplan that was given to me by someone else and i noticed that during one of my drills that i got an answer wrong on a question where it makes you "remake the game rules" ex. m-s is now s-m and i got the answer wrong. When looking at the answer explaination it makes a suggestion to skip this question bc it can be more time consuming and the time could be used somewhere else. What you do believe about this statement?

My follow up question would be, i believe i read that you should answer every question and not leave any blank bc only correct answers count for your score. I was taking a practice test and ran out of time on the section so i did not finish the section. I was wondering if i know for some reason i am 5 minutes from the section ending if it would be more beneficial to have the questions answered than not?



  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Those are advised to skip because they take 2-3 minutes or even longer to do. Skipping does not mean leaving it blank on the bubble sheet but to skip it, go do all the other questions, and then come back if you have time at the end to complete it. You could spend 3 minutes figuring that one out and or use that time to ensure that you get 2-3 other questions right. It's all about maximizing your time efficiently. Since all correct answers all count for one point regardless of question difficulty, you should aim to get the easier and medium questions correct before worrying about the more difficult questions. You can still bubble in a guess or intuition for that type of question. Hope that answers your question!

  • Ezlov180Ezlov180 Alum Member
    16 karma

    yes that does thank you! I also went and skipped to the section at the bottom that talks about skipping questions after i posted this which helped a lot.

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