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Should I cancel my score? (2nd test)

hl_alarakhl_alarak Alum Member
edited October 2018 in General 158 karma

Hi. I'm an international and I took the October test in Asia today.

Score cancellation was never an option, until this afternoon after I stepped out of the testing room feeling absolutely defeated.

I took my first LSAT in June after 3 months of study and got 161. From then on I drilled through most of the PTs except for the very recent ones (PT 80 onward), scoring in the range of 162-169. I felt better prepared and so decided to retake this month.

The exam was a lot more challenging than I expected, definitely so compared to the recent PTs I've been practicing with. I didn't make any Scantron mistakes, finished every section in time and bubbled in all the answers. But of course, having finished every section in time doesn't mean that I nailed each of them. I am pretty convinced that I bombed an LR section, for which I circled around 7 questions and had to take a wild guess on 2-3 of them. LG has always been my strong suit, but today I got stuck with a grouping question and had to guess 3 questions. As for RC, I don't feel so confident either - don't think I ruined it but I definitely could've done better.

My target score is 166+. It was my plan to apply this cycle, but I can wait a year and apply next cycle if I must.

I'm considering cancelling my score because I heard that law schools tend to view multiple scores negatively. I would wait for the results if it was my first go at LSAT, but seeing that this is my 2nd test I can't afford to take chances. Trying to gauge all the possibilities before I make a big decision.

So, here are some questions I wanted to ask:

  1. Considering my situation, do you think I should cancel my score, retake and apply next cycle? Why or why not?
  2. How do law schools view applicants with 3 or more LSAT scores?
  3. Similarly, how do schools view score cancellations?

Please excuse the poor writing. I would appreciate honest opinions.


Cancelling my 2nd LSAT score
  1. Should I cancel the score and retake?8 votes
    1. Cancel and retake
    2. Don't cancel; wait for the results


  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    Law schools are fine with 3+ attempts at the LSAT. Cancellations are fine too, but you better have a damn good reason for at least one of them if you have 3 or more canceled administrations on your records.

  • The NoodleyThe Noodley Alum Member
    662 karma

    don't cancel! maybe the score will surprise you and the ad only considers the highest score!

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