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Patz4lifePatz4life Alum Member
edited January 2020 in General 214 karma



  • Harvey_lHarvey_l Alum Member
    268 karma

    Honestly this might sound bad, but a way I get rid of negative thoughts by telling myself that you can always retake the exam! (It stops my test anxiety, and allows me to just focus on practicing and learning the exam.) Maybe if you don't prefer the digital version, fortunately, there's still the June exam.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    For LG, it helps to remember you can redo the game another time and it'll probably go better. For the test in general, it helps to remember we won't take it until much more work has been done--a series of check points, and it's a marathon, not a sprint.

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    YOU CAN RETAKE THE TEST! Just lower expectations a tad and focus on becoming a master of the test. What score you will get will not matter at this point, you're just giving yourself headaches. Focus on being a master at strengthening questions. Then master Must be Trues. Keep doing it until you can teach others. Then you'll be ready.

  • cdaddario2cdaddario2 Member
    edited October 2018 362 karma

    It is October. You are taking the test in March. It is rather early to worry. Like it or not this test is hard. First of all, do not rush through the CC. Don't worry about all the comments people write like 'I went 5-5 in under 6 minutes yay me!' crap. Almost no one, unless you are a statistics whiz with a PhD in Philosophy, can easily accomplish what you are trying to do. The fundamentals are critical. If you base your learning in the early CC lessons you will find it pays dividends later. Be clear and learn100% the conditional logic lessons. Whatever you do, do not skim over anything. The lessons that are the hardest for you, make them your priority. Be prepared to be bummed out for the next 2 months. There will be no corners turned and no big sparks of light. Watch JY's lessons on Blind Review and as much as it sucks, especially in the beginning, make it part of your study life. Just keep your head down and focus focus focus. You have the ability to do this. The real concern should be do you have the will to do it? See where you are in mid January and take stock of your situation then.
    Do you really want to score 160's-170's? You can. If you want it to, it will become a reality. But this will not happen because you hope it does. Time spent with the CC is not enough. Time spent in the CC, buried deep in each and every little part of it that you don't completely understand is how you will accomplish what you have set as your goal. This may not happen on the timeline you currently have set for yourself. This will only happen if you pour countless hours into study and learning.
    I have been where you are and I am by no means an expert. But I know more than I did 6 months ago and I will not stop until I win. I have had plenty of discouraging days and I will have plenty more. But I (you) want choices when I (you) decide on a law school and a high LSAT score will be the most important factor in the control I (you) have in that decision.
    Now go grab a random LG game and beat the crap out of it!!

  • rkathleenrkathleen Member
    72 karma

    Although I understand why people are saying you can re-take, but I really don't think you'll need to. I think you'll get the exact mark you need by March, but you need to think that too.

    You're five months away. After 4 months, I started to average +18 points from my diagnostic. With the same amount of time, I can't imagine how well you can do. Especially since you're already ranking better than 50% of those who take the test and that's without studying! Just remember what the commenter above me said, don't look at comments or forums. For every one person who comments they did well, there's countless more who didn't and didn't comment. Look at the study schedule 7Sage sets out for you for the curriculum and make sure it'll be done around start of February. That leaves you a month to do the prep tests, and you'll be set. I've only finished 70% of the curriculum (didn't do all the reading comp lessons or logical reasoning), you may find you won't need to do it all either.

    Remember that having a positive mindset actually is proven to change the way we learn, and I know from my own experience it changed how high I got on LSAT's. Went I did a prep-test begrudgingly and feeling it was going to suck, I would tank. When I did them positive and excited, I excelled. Hope some of this helps... just nail the curriculum, leave yourself a month and a bit for prep-tests, and know you absolutely can do it by March.

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