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Huge improvement - will first LSAT kill me

Hi everyone. I was underprepared when I took my first LSAT and scored far below what i am capable of. On my second one I improved by over 12 points into the high 160s. Since most t14 law schools take averages, am I just screwed, or will they consider an addendum? Any feedback is important


  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    I am not an expert on T14 but I thought most of them only take into account your highest score?

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    Every school will see both scores, but they generally only consider your top score for admissions purposes. Taking the average of your 2 scores would mean potentially offering admission to someone else who has a higher average score but lower top score, and the school's ranking is based on the top score. You are definitely not screwed. Your situation is pretty common so if you want to write an addendum keep it brief and don't sound like you are making excuses for your first lower score. Instead of saying you weren't prepared, just say something to the effect that you knew you could improve your score so you kept studying and took it again. 2 tests is nothing. They usually only care if a student has taken the test like 4+ times and even then it is better to take it 4 times and on the 4th try get a 170 than taking it 1 time and getting a 165 (arbitrary numbers).

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