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Question about LR in PT84

lettucelacelettucelace Member
edited November 2018 in Logical Reasoning 33 karma

I'm taking the November 17th LSAT and took my second to last PT yesterday (PT 84). I felt incredibly discouraged after I saw my score of 162. I've been averaging 165-166 and haven't scored this badly in months (even scored a low 170's last week). While RC and LG are typically my weaker sections, I was surprised to find that I didn't do too hot on LR on this exam, and noticed that the LR seemed much more difficult and vague.

I watched PowerScore's prediction video about this upcoming test and they said that LR stimuli and question stems have been deviating from set formulas in recent years. However, I took PT83 last week and got a 166, so maybe I just had an off day last night? Has anyone taken PT84 and had a similar experience (LR seemed more difficult, esp. in comparison to other recent exams), or is it more likely I just had an off day?

If it comes down to it, I can take January's exam as well if I need to, but I'd also like to apply as early as possible. I'm taking PT82 tomorrow so I'll see how that goes. Best of luck to anyone else taking the test on Saturday!


  • monp0485monp0485 Member
    101 karma

    I just took PT 84 as well and it turned out to be my worst too. I had the most trouble on its RC. I hope it was just an off day for us or the exam was hard in general!

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    @thejeebah 3-4 points is not a huge deviation from your average. You broke the 170 barrier but that doesn't mean you will achieve the same results on every test. The fact is that your scoring average is on an upward trajectory. There will be some ups and downs. Just review the tests you've taken as best you can so you can identify certain questions that tripped you up.

    @thejeebah said:
    I watched PowerScore's prediction video about this upcoming test and they said that LR stimuli and question stems have been deviating from set formulas in recent years. However, I took PT83 last week and got a 166, so maybe I just had an off day last night?

    I think the test changes, but doesn't necessarily get harder. The score is on a curve anyway so your results are based on a comparison to how all the other test takers did on that test. The results of one individual test are not as indicative of how you will perform as your recent average of scores. As you suggested it may just be that you had an off day and weren't focused or deviated from your normal rhythm. Get plenty of rest and you have a good chance to score at or above your recent average on test day. You already have one very recent data point that indicates you could score in the low 170s! You should be confident and focusing on being mentally prepared. If you have time listen to the new episode of the 7sage podcast too!!!

  • TrustingGodTrustingGod Free Trial Member
    240 karma

    I think the June exams are more difficult. I almost always do better on the December exams. I took the June 2017 exam and scored -4 from my average. June 2018 I did my average. And December 2017 I did +2 from my average. I'm praying this November exam reflects how I've been doing on the December exams.

  • leslieh327leslieh327 Alum Member
    130 karma

    Hey girl I just took 84 and I haven't scored it but when I took It I remember feeling like the LR had more difficult questions compared to some other tests.

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