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Feeling lost post-November LSAT...What are my options? :(

Sara_3080Sara_3080 Alum Member
edited December 2018 in General 432 karma

Hey everyone!
So that November LSAT...quite an experience. It was my first take, and I definitely think the test anxiety/adrenaline got to me, and felt myself freezing up and having trouble focusing for most of the exam because of how nervous I was. I think I probably got around a 162 (or less depending on the curve), which is 8 points below my highest score, and 4 below the average of my last 5 PTs. I really can't delay applying another cycle, I've delayed two cycles already and I feel like I'm just wasting my life away at this point. I gave myself this cycle to apply and that's it, I have to move forward with my life.

I'm thinking I should most likely register and start studying for the January exam, but I've been caught up with apps so I don't even know if I would be able to make a significant score increase by then. And then if I decide to take it in January, they wouldn't process my application until 3 weeks later when the score comes out right? How does that work? I can have my apps submitted in 2/3 weeks, but if I'm taking January do I just let them know so that they don't process it without my new score? I'm a little confused. Like some schools say they accept the January 26th LSAT, but their deadline is February 1st. And how much does having schools wait for my January score hurt me? Would love if someone could clarify for me and shed some light on this. I never really looked into it before because I thought November would be IT. But I'm not so sure now.

Thanks for your time :)

Edit: my prediction was basically right I got a 163 :(


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    Hi @Sarah_9900,

    I'm so sorry to hear that. I think you should apply after you get your November LSAT score. Although applying with the January score is considered late, if you think you can improve your score in January, I think you should email schools to hold for your future LSAT score. But some schools might not wait for your score and evaluate based on your Nov score.

    7Sage Admissions is having office hours on Wednesdays from 9–10 p.m. ET, so I recommend asking them! The next one is on Dec 5:

  • Sara_3080Sara_3080 Alum Member
    432 karma

    Thanks for your response @akistotle, do you know what the benefits are of submitting now and then emailing schools to hold off for my next score in January VS just applying in January around the time I take the exam so they see it in LSAC ? Wouldn't that reduce the risk of them just evaluating me based on my November score? That way I would also have more time to perfect my apps. But I'm not sure, on the other hand would it look better to submit it in a week even though I'm asking them not to evaluate it yet?

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