LSAT Office Hours with Sage NotMyName | Thursday, December 20, 9pm EST

studentservicestudentservice Alum Member Administrator Moderator Student Services
edited December 2018 in Webinars 1421 karma

Due to popular demand, Sage @NotMyName will be offering office hours on Thursday! Bring your questions!

Thursday, December 20, 9pm - 10pm EST

šŸ’» How to join the webinar

Please join my the webinar from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (669) 224-3412

Access Code: 945-314-133

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  • 26 karma

    Will this webinar be focused on LSAT, Applications, or both?

    Thank you!

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage ā­
    5320 karma

    @"Iris Maute-Gibson"

    Hi Iris. This will be an open-ended, unrecorded forum to discuss all things LSAT. If you have admissions questions, those would be better directed to David in his Office Hours this Wednesday (the last for this year)

    Please feel free to stop by to BR a question, talk about timing strategies, share a recent breakthrough, or simply vent -- anything goes!

    I plan to start each session with a brief talk (~5m or less) about a particular topic. I think I'll start this week with chat about skipping/timing strategies; why they work, how to implement them, and how they change depending on your goal score.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member ā­ ā° šŸŒ
    6050 karma

    Posting my question here partly because I think I might forget it. How do you study for an undisclosed test? I specifically mean in terms of what PT's do you use to practice? Most recent or a range?

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage ā­
    5320 karma

    Here is the slide I'll be using to kick-off the hour...

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Here's a question if you have the time: Did you have an individual LSAT mentor (I'm borrowing this term from @Sami), and if so how did you find this person, and what point of studying were you at?

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage ā­
    5320 karma

    @keets993 Interesting question. My 174 came on an undisclosed test and I understood v little about undisclosed tests until afterwards. It's my understanding that undisclosed tests tend to be older, recycled tests. So it makes sense to consider studying differently for them, although it wouldn't have in my case and may not for many others. I think this is an interesting conversation to have.

    @lsatplaylist I had a tutor but I think she would count as my mentor in many respects. I've also tutored others and may have served as a mentor myself. Happy to speak about this process as well.

    Good questions!

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    I'm looking forward to this...I think my biggest obstacle is learning to be OK with skipping. My test-taking skills naturally predispose me to approach every question, in order, and give it my best go before moving on. My brain now understands that that's not a good strategy for the LSAT, but old habits are hard to kick. How do I get better at skipping? I guess just practice. I wasted so many PTs where I did not skip! I'm also curious about how much and in what specific ways private tutoring helps. I saw someone for a few one-hour sessions and we did logic games together, but I'd love to hear about others' experience and advice about whether that's money well-spent.

  • btownsqueebtownsquee Alum Member
    1207 karma

    Leaving my question here so I don't forget also. How did you stop yourself from rushing during the test? I am constantly balancing being focusing and yet being scared of running out of time vs. going through so I see each question but not taking the time to understand what I am reading.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage ā­
    5320 karma


    I think my biggest obstacle is learning to be OK with skipping. My test-taking skills naturally predispose me to approach every question, in order, and give it my best go before moving on.

    Been there. You're not alone. Very happy to speak about this.


    How did you stop yourself from rushing during the test?

    Good question. The rushing issue may be nested within the timing/skipping issue so this is a perfect time to hash it out. I think the best framing for my response will be in differentiating between "rhythm" and "rushing". Looking forward to speaking more about it.

  • john1234-1john1234-1 Alum Member
    426 karma

    Less than an hour away!

  • john1234-1john1234-1 Alum Member
    426 karma

    Great stuff @NotMyName Highly recommend jumping on next week to those who couldn't make it

  • youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member
    1755 karma

    @NotMyName yes so good. thank you!

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage ā­
    5320 karma

    @"Always Be Closing" @username_hello thank you! Iā€™m glad you found it helpful and I appreciate the questions.

    One thing I wanted to add is that when youā€™re ā€œfollowing the bread crumbsā€ for a question you got wrong, itā€™s important to think about whether you have a habit to prevent that thing from going wrong and that habit failed or you have no such habit in the first place.

    ā€œReading w my pencil downā€ and circling key words is my habit to prevent mistranslating a rule. I began doing this when I realized I could never reach my LG goal score w translation errors. This same approach must be applied to all parts of the test.

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Thank you for this! It was very helpful!

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage ā­
    5320 karma

    Here is the iPhone holder I mentioned you can use to record yourself.

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    @NotMyName thank you so much last night. It was very helpful. I took TestMaster courses for two times before and took LSAT June 2018 but I got a very lower score. I just started 7Sage Starter course in October 2018. Would you recommend me to take one PT per week when I am taking core curriculum? Or you think I should finish the core curriculum first and then I take PTs? In fact I did not finish all of homework or questions for Test Master course. Could you think I should continue doing homework or the questions on Test Master materials? Thank you so much!

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage ā­
    5320 karma

    @Alice003 Hi Alice. No problem.

    I'd recommend stepping away from PTs and the Test Master material for the time being. Focus on moving through the 7sage core curriculum diligently (not rushed) and post questions/explanations in the forum and the curriculum comments section.

    As you near the end of the curriculum, listen to this webinar on how to proceed

    One thing I do in conjunction with the core curriculum is an introduction to LG foolproofing. You can do a few games or 1 section per day or throughout the week during the core curriculum. Once you finish, you can begin a more involved foolproofing of LG (2+ sections per day).

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    @NotMyName thank you for your quick response! It is greatly appreciated. Your answers are very helpful! In fact my weakness is RC too. Would you think I should do 1 section for RC per week or 1 passage of RC per day during the core curriculum or I should take core curriculum in order? Thank you so much again!

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage ā­
    5320 karma

    I would hold-off on RC. It's larger under-taking than foolproofing LG.

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    Thank you for your advice! I will do that.

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