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Lewis and Clark Interview

coreyrogers53coreyrogers53 Free Trial Member

Invited to an optional interview as part of the application process. First availability is 2 weeks from now, and pretty slim pickings at that. If I signed up for the interview the application wouldn't be considered complete until after I did the interview. Do you all think it would be too detrimental if I did not sign up for one? My stats are 3.3 and 162. Lewis and Clark Medians 3.38 and 158.


  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I think it might be detrimental, but only slightly. Since you’re just a bit above medians, it might be nice to put a face with the name for them, and go a little above and beyond so they know you are serious. Kind of like writing an optional essay. It’s optional, but generally recommended.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    FWIW, I think you’re fine on the timeline too. Doing an interview a couple of weeks from now isn’t so late, and they’ll know you had your app in earlier. I think this cycle is going to be a little more slow moving than last year, so drawing it out a bit is ok.

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