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American with international education

Reissie73Reissie73 Member
edited January 2019 in Law School Admissions 81 karma

I'm an American citizen but also French and I've lived for 6 years in China- studied there a year and a half and got my bachelor's in France. Also was homeschooled...
So first, how do law schools view foreign educated people?
I got 164 LSAT on 3rd try but my foreign degree from France is supposedly only B level even though they are thought of as good scores in France, and my addendum will be that I actually didn't even speak French when I started the bachelors lol.
I got my transcripts evaluation back only a month ago and it says the studies I've done are not equal to an American bachelor's degree... does that mean I should throw all I've done out the window? Will no top law schools accept that?
Also how much will my international/weird background help me out? or not??
I just don't know where I should apply realistically. I've heard law schools don't really care about foreign GPAs because they don't need to report them.
Thanks a lot for the help >.<


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    This is definitely an odd situation. From my understanding, law schools are typically cautious about international students for a couple of reasons. First, when English is not their first language, American law schools will definitely present a challenge. Second, there is the question of visas etc. Neither of these will be issues for you, presumably. I think that your background could make for an interesting personal statement or diversity statement, but I don't think it will give you a huge quantifiable boost on its own. Since you don't have a GPA, I think your best bet is to apply widely and see what happens. I would apply to several schools with 75ths in the 160s and several with 25ths in the 160s.

  • Reissie73Reissie73 Member
    81 karma

    Thanks @MissChanandler! By in the 160s, do you mean possibly above 164, or highest probably should be 164?

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Sorry, I should have worded that differently. I would apply to some schools with 75th around 164 and some 25ths around 164 (give or take a point or two). So, a reach for you would be Northwestern or Cornell. A safety might be IU or Ohio State.

  • maria wilksmaria wilks Alum Member
    14 karma

    Hey Reissie73, I am in a similar boat as you were. I wonder what the outcome was? Would you be willing to share? Thank you

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