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Constructive Criticism Needed

Hey everyone, hope everyone is either PTing to the stars or getting waterboarded with acceptance waves.

I just wanted to get some advice from the 7Sage family in regards to the near future (Saturday) and long term.
I am doing a dry run for the LSAT on Saturday (I have really bad test anxiety and thought it would be a good idea)
I started studying early Jan and cold tested with a diagnostic score of 150 on the June 2007 PT.

I took PT 16 today and went -12 LG, -9 -8 LR respectively and -4 RC for a score of 157.

Any advice for me to prepare for Jan LSAT and subsequently the March/June?

Thank y'all in advance!


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8705 karma

    What is your goal score?

  • canasiancanasian Member
    16 karma

    170, but I would be comfortable with a 165+

  • BrianAggieBrianAggie Member
    124 karma

    Have you considered waiting until June/July? I'm not sure if you are still considering this cycle but I think it would be best to fully learn the material and shoot for your 170 in Jun/July. I am in a similar situation like yours.

  • KlaraHenryKlaraHenry Alum Member
    57 karma

    hey! if i understand correctly what you mean by "dry run," you're sitting for the actual exam on Saturday? I'm in a similar boat, signed up for the Saturday exam initially intending to be prepared by then but now more just to see how it goes cause I also am very anxious and want to take it "for real" this summer. I think it makes sense to take a real exam, if you know you have testing anxiety already, just to figure out how well you can realistically do under pressure and then re-evaluate your goals if needed and be more confident come the spring/summer exams. obviously you have many more months of studying ahead of you, but everyone says that the real thing is very different from any PT you ever take (obviously), so I don't see any issues in taking an exam before you're fully prepped to get more experience---maybe you'll do better than you thought and have one semi-solid score under your belt to take some pressure off retaking in the summer! hope you can keep the anxiety at bay, you are already in a pretty good spot with your 157!

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    edited January 2019 1804 karma

    If you want to score +165 (or +170) and you are at 157 now, reserve your strength for the June or July administration. Try to not even think about scoring +165 on Saturday. Just focus on experiencing how an actual LSAT administration feels like.

    Also, take your score on PT 16 with several grains of salt. The LSAT is quite different now.

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    edited January 2019 1058 karma

    Okay all I need to say is that(and echoing what the person above me has already said) your score on PT 16 is NOT a reliable indicator of what you're going to get on any test in 2019. In fact, I don't think taking such an old PT as a full practice test is a good idea at all. Those tests need to be drilled as individual sections or even untimed. You need to get exposed to recent materials as soon as possible. And jumping around PTs is probably not a good idea, either. You need to work your way into PT 30s, 40s, and 50s chronologically by April so that you can reserve adequate time for PT 50s and 70s before the June/July admin.

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