PT2.S2.Q11 - “If the forest continues to disappear

odel.justinodel.justin Member
edited February 2019 in Logical Reasoning 28 karma

I am not understanding how B is consistent with the biologist's statement?

Admin note: edited title


  • BlindReviewerBlindReviewer Alum Member
    855 karma

    Through a quick read, I think the biologist's statement is consistent with all of the answer choices. If you map it like a logic game, the choices either fail the sufficient or satisfy the necessary:

    Deforestation continues -> koala approaches extinction

    a) totally right, aside from the stretch from approaching extinction to being extinct
    b) fails the sufficient
    c) fails sufficient (we never mention reforestation)
    d) fails the sufficient
    e) fails the sufficient

    To clarify D and E a bit more, you can use various examples to see that if we fail the sufficient, then we can't conclude anything. Let's say "If I go to the gym every single day for the next two months then I'll be jacked." If I say "I went to the gym every other day for two months and didn't get jacked" or "I went to the gym every other day for two months and became jacked" both are consistent with the statement. Going to the gym every single day for two months is sufficient, but it's not the only way to reach the end result.

    Hope that makes sense -- my example is kind of dumb haha

  • odel.justinodel.justin Member
    28 karma

    So how is B the correct ac?

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