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Retaking at the same test center

ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
edited March 2019 in General 737 karma

Did anyone who took the test 3+ times take it at the same center each time? I'm going on my fifth take and kind of feel insecure about taking it at the same place. Perhaps taking it at another test center would provide a beneficial change of scenery for me. With that said, the test center at which I've taken it every time I've taken it is quiet and professional, and is at a smaller university that typically doesn't have a huge group, so it's mostly insecurity that is causing me to consider trying a different test center. I also, when I'm being rational about this, don't think it's likely that where I take it has much significance compared to the quality of my prep, but it still is something that has come to mind. Should I just suck it up and go for the one that I already know is good?


  • Michael.CincoMichael.Cinco Member Sage
    2116 karma

    They probably do enough tests that they won't remember you and honestly if they're going to judge you for taking the exam that many times then that's their issue.

    Pursue your goals, ignore the haters, Profit.

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    I think it would be better to just take it there because you know that the test center is quiet and professional. It's not worth the risk of getting into a new place with distactions. I doubt that the people even care and they're just doing their job. Why would they care if you take the test 1 time or 20 times? They are there to monitor the test and nothing more. Be confident and you got this :smiley:

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Absolutely just stick with the test center that you know is good and professional. From the stories that I've heard, lots of proctors don't really know the LSAT or law school admissions or anything. They're just people doing a job. They don't care at all if they've seen you before.

  • _aisling__aisling_ Alum Member
    289 karma

    Like @"Michael.Cinco" said, if I were a proctor I would never remember you (I mean, unless you always wear a unicorn headband or something) but also, if I did recognize you, I'd be like, damn, look at that dude go! Pursue those dreams!

    So I feel like they are either going to be ambivalent or secretly be rooting for you.

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