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What to do in between PTs?

pstroud97pstroud97 Member
in General 137 karma

I just took my first ever PT last week. After BR and scoring, I have gone through each question I missed, retried it, and watched the video explanations. I'm not sure what else to do before I take my next one on Saturday. Drill weak sections? Foolproof in my free time? Go back to hard problem sets? There almost seems to be so much that I could do that I'm left not knowing how to make the best use of my time.

What do y'all do as additional prep in between taking PTs? How do you make decisions on how to structure your time? Any input is much appreciated.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    How long did this BR take you? I would say if you haven't foolproofed, work on that during your non blind review time. Maybe even take a break from PTs to get through foolproofing PTs 1-35.

    My process looked like this:
    Saturday- PT
    Sunday/Monday- one of these would be BR and one of these would be a light/off day
    Tuesday-Friday foolproof and drill weak problem types

    How many hours are you studying per day? If you're feeling really overwhelmed, I would recommend just deciding on something and then setting a timer and agreeing to only let yourself focus on that thing for say half an hour.

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Hey! I think foolproofing games is so important because it's a skill we need to keep working at. Even if you have finished the bundle once, just go ahead and do it again. Add more tests to your 1-35 PTS bundle and get through them in the required time. You will be surprised to see how much you have learned, but what you may also have forgotten.

    My schedule is the following:
    Fridays- PT
    Saturday- Blind Review
    Sunday-Monday- Fool proofing games/ Drilling question types I missed from PT
    Tuesday-Thursday- Foolproof games/ atleast 1 timed LR section or RC section...blind review same day after few hours or next day!

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