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Digital LSAT Changes

bendrummond33bendrummond33 Alum Member
edited March 2019 in General 96 karma

So I wrote the LSAT in Jan and did alright, have already applied for schools but have a feeling i'll have to take a gap year and reapply with a better score. Just seeing as I am still in school and starting work full-time in the summer, I'm looking at taking the September or October 2019 LSATs. That being the case, they will be the digital version.

I've been absent from this forum for a while and am just wondering how 7sage will be incorporating the changes. Will PTs be done online going forward on the site or will it stay in the current paper format. Sorry if this had already been answered numerous times, just thinking about it is stressing me out lol.


  • Fighting FoxFighting Fox Alum Member
    51 karma

    I think they're going to stay in the paper form for right now. I think most of us are a little nervous about that as well.

  • bendrummond33bendrummond33 Alum Member
    96 karma

    @"Fighting Fox" said:
    I think they're going to stay in the paper form for right now. I think most of us are a little nervous about that as well.

    Ah thats what i was afraid of. Thanks for the reply

  • _aisling__aisling_ Alum Member
    edited March 2019 289 karma

    What I've been doing is just not printing them out (and, instead, viewing the PDF from my computer screen) so that I get in the habit of looking back and forth from my paper to the questions. I do think that we'll have a greater challenge with LR and RC since our note-taking will be more limited by the tablet/stylus experience, so I'd love for JY to give some insight on how to adjust to that, since his focus is so "mark it up" heavy.

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