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What NOT to do

2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
edited April 2019 in General 1810 karma

Do NOT take a PT the day after drinking alcohol. I "knew better," but I've been studying for so many months that I thought I could get away with doing this today, and it's impossible. I made it through, but I ran out of time on every section, and it made me feel absolutely miserable. Lessons will be repeated until learned. This time I think it sunk in...see you on July 16, alcohol!


  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Haha it's okay to have a "fun" day once in a while. What made you want to take the test today? I would've been too lazy and lacking the motivation. Maybe you can still BR it to get better understanding of the material or just do it again as timed sections!

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Thanks. I'm just a super-scheduley person, and I have one PT on my calendar per week, so I feel like I have to check it off. I should have moved it ahead in the calendar, but I feel like the big clock is ticking now (the one that strikes on June 3), so I realize now that I honestly don't have room for any more "fun" nights between now and then...I work 45 hours a week and have to think all day at my job, as well. So it's hard to avoid headaches and burnout. But truly, thank you, for telling me it's ok, and I know it isn't a total loss. I can absolutely still learn from the BR - in fact I may have gotten a lot of questions right...don't know yet...the reason I felt so miserable is that I was going over time. I think I needed to live that experience for it to sink in how important it is to be in a good frame of mind on the day of the actual test. There are different levels of understanding that fact.

  • MIT_2017MIT_2017 Alum Member
    470 karma

    @2ndTimestheCharm Do whatever works for you, but to be honest, I think it is VERY important that you make sure to have some "fun" nights between now and June 3. I've taken this exam once before and, looking back, I think I suffered a little mental burnout from having a similar no-fun mindset. I am in a similar boat, working ~50 hrs a week, but I've found a way to set up my schedule such that I can still get one fun night in a week (whether that fun is drinking with friends or catching up on Game of Thrones with my girlfriend):

    I try to get a couple solid hours of studying in a night - effectively I just pretend that it is part of my "workday." So I rush home, get a section or two of LSAT done, review, and only then take that deep breath now that my day is done :) I'll admit it is easier said than done, but it's certainly doable. I then study for a good chunk of the weekend: I do a full PT on Saturday morning under test conditions, review it into Saturday evening, and then have my "fun". On Sundays I try to sleep in and then I tend to do any untimed work I want to do for the week, or whatever work I can do that doesn't require pristine focus and mental state. Then I try to take care of any errands I'll need to do for the week and try to get rejuvenated before tackling the week by having a relaxing dinner with my girlfriend and getting to bed early.

    Maybe that sounds obvious, or maybe it simply won't work with your schedule. But I know how taxing it can be on the mind to schedule your weeks while working full-time and studying for this exam, so I figured I'd share just in case it is of any value to you.

  • mrsud310mrsud310 Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    Good advice, but a contradictory anecdote. I went to a bar with a few of my buddies Friday night and got pretty drunk. Woke up Saturday with a hangover, packed up, went to the library to take a practice test. While I was starting the test I was still pretty hungover, but by section 2 I was feeling alright. Got a 174. Beats me.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Mocktails could be a compromise.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Thanks, @MIT_2017. I hear you. I took the test once before, too. I guess, for me, in addition to my full-time job, I'm making sure to include a lot of non-studying things in my schedule, such as working out, yoga, meditation, volunteer work, and of course, vegging out and watching TV - but the "fun" I'm living without is the alcohol. It just seems to really set me back, weaken my immune system and slow down my thinking power. But I know everybody is different.

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