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Any good resources for transposing a LR stimulus into Lawgic?

Controller779Controller779 Alum Member
in General 221 karma
I understood the Lawgic lessons well...but am having a lot of trouble with resulting real LR questions. The actual stimuli on real-world questions don't appear to be as clear-cut as those in the Lawgic lessons, and I'm missing a huge heap of correct answers due to my inability to turn them into Lawgic.

Is this something that will improve with time (I am currently only 40% through the core course and haven't yet started PTs), or should I already be able to convert every LR question to Lawgic without difficulty?

If so, and I am lacking behind, are there any good resources elsewhere for helping to make this conversion more fluid and natural? I'm more than open to purchasing other books, etc.

Thanks in advance!


  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    so sometimes Lawgic will apply directly, sometimes not... sometimes it won't be sufficiency necessity, but rather causation... sometimes truth-validity... sometimes some-most-all, but it will apply... formal Lawgic is just one of the tools on the LSAT... though it is a key tool that is indispensable for doing well... don't worry about it too much... the lessons will fall into place as you get done with the curriculum and graduate on to the PTs.
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    As you practice more, you'll realize that you tend to rely less on translating things into formal lawgic, unless it's for MBT/parallel/sufficient assumption questions. I think a comparable example is when you're learning a foreign language, you're still translating the language into English to understand/make sense of what's being said/written. When you're a native speaker, you think in that language such that you no longer have to rely on this process of translating into English first. Translating things into formal lawgic is a very important skill to have but it is a crutch. The more you start practicing, the more you'll start to think like the LSAT and the easier time you'll have figuring out what each question is asking of you.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    The more you practice question types that involve lawgic the better you'll get at it.
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