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Core Curriculum with Full-Time Job

Lucky SnowLucky Snow Alum Member
in General 38 karma

Hi everyone,

I am trying to backwards plan for when I will tentatively take the LSAT. I started with 7Sage in December 2018, but they had to go to Eastern Europe for my job for a few months and wasn't able to get on the website due to country restrictions and lack of internet access in a rural area. I returned to the US at the end of March and have been trying to devote about 15-20 hours to the LSAT. I work 60 hours a week Monday through Friday, so I am able to maybe spend about 2 hours after work and then get in about 10 hours over the weekend. Right now I am a third of the way through the curriculum. I would like to finish all the lessons and content on Ultimate by June and do a practice test each week for a year.

I was wondering if anyone else has had a job where they are working 60 hours and juggling kids and how long it took them to get battle-ready for the LSAT. Is getting through the other 70% of the lessons by June realistic?


  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    I think getting through the lessons shouldn't be a problem. You should be able to finish the curriculum and start foolproofing the games. You may even be able to do some drilled timed logical reasoning or reading comp sections. You would need to take some blocks of alone time to do practice tests though. If you take one practice a week, you should be good because then you can try to BR in the week, figure out your weak areas, then drill those weak areas! After, you could take another PT to see how you have improved and where you need improvement still.

  • Gee-dawgGee-dawg Member
    319 karma

    I think getting through the CC won't be an issue. But I would recommend taking the September LSAT at the earliest.

  • MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member
    976 karma

    I'm working full-time with kids as well, but I work 50 not 60 hours a week. I'm aiming for the Oct / Nov LSATs and I've been able to do 1-2 hours before work, 1 hour over lunch, some days 1 hour after. I am on "baby duty" when I get home and by choice do not (and sort of cannot) study at home or over the weekend. I tried waking up at 5:30 Sat / Sun but babies wake up when they want to.

    With the amount of time you're dedicating I don't think finishing curriculum and getting prepared would be an issue; from what I've read, your PT scores are fairly accurate of your test-day performance so if you're not testing how you'd like you may want to consider postponing. Hope this helps, its good to know other full-time working parents are preparing as well.

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